THE STORY OF BESSIE COSTRELL BY MRS. HUMPHRY WARD AUTHOR OF “ ROBERT ELSMERE , ” “ THE HISTORY OF DAVID GRIEVE , ” “ MARCELLA , ” ETC. LONDON : SMITH , ELDER + CO. , 15 , WATERLOO PLACE . 1895. ( All rights reserved . ) THE STORY OF BESSIE COSTRELL SCENE I IT was an August evening , still and cloudy after a day unusually chilly for the time of year . Now , about sunset , the temperature was warmer than it had been in the morning , and the departing sun was forcing its way through the clouds , breaking up their level masses into delicate latticework of golds and greys . The last radiant light was on the wheat-fields under the hill , and on the long chalk hill itself . Against that glowing background lay the village , already engulfed by the advancing shadow . All the nearer trees , which the daylight had mingled in one green monotony , stood out sharp and distinct , each in its own plane , against the hill . Each natural object seemed to gain a new accent , a more individual beauty , from the vanishing and yet lingering sunlight . An elderly labourer was walking along the road which led to the village . To his right lay the allotment gardens just beginning to be alive with figures , and the voices of men and children . Beyond them , far ahead , rose the square tower of the church ; to his left was the hill , and straight in front of him the village , with its veils of smoke lightly brushed over the trees , and its lines of cottages climbing the chalk steeps behind it . His eye as he walked took in a number of such facts as life had trained it to notice . Once he stopped to bend over a fence , to pluck a stalk or two of oats . He examined them carefully ; then he threw back his head and sniffed the air , looking all round the sky meanwhile . Yes , the season had been late and harsh , but the fine weather was coming at last . Two or three days 'warmth now would ripen even the oats , let alone the wheat . Well , he was glad . He wanted the harvest over . It would , perhaps , be his last harvest at Clinton Magna , where he had worked , man and boy , for fifty-six years come Michaelmas . His last harvest ! A curious pleasure stirred the man 'sveins as he thought of it , a pleasure in expected change , which seemed to bring back the pulse of youth , to loosen a little the yoke of those iron years that had perforce aged and bent him ; though , for sixty-two , he was still hale and strong . Things had all come together . Here was “ Muster ” Hill , the farmer he had worked for these seventeen years , dying of a sudden , with a carbuncle on the neck , and the farm to be given up at Michaelmas . He — John Bolderfield — had been working on for the widow ; but , in his opinion , she was “ nobbut a caselty sort of body , ” and the sooner she and her children were taken off to Barnet , where they were to live with her mother , the less she 'dcost them as had the looking after her . As for the crops , they would n't pay the debts ; not they . And there was no one after the farm — “ nary one ” — and did n't seem like to be . That would make another farm on Muster Forrest 'shands . Well , and a good job . Landlords must be “ took down ; ” and there was plenty of work going on the railway just now for those that were turned off . He was too old for the railway , though , and he might have found it hard to get fresh work if he had been staying at Clinton . But he was not staying . Poor Eliza would n't last more than a few days ; a week or two at most , and he was not going to keep on the cottage after he 'dburied her . Aye , poor Eliza ! She was his sister-in-law , the widow of his second brother . He had been his brother 'slodger during the greater part of his working life , and since Tom 'sdeath he had stayed on with Eliza . She and he suited each other , and the “ worritin ' childer ” had all gone away years since and left them in peace . He did n't believe Eliza knew where any of them were , except Mary , “ married over to Luton ” — and Jim , and Jim 'sLouisa . And a good riddance too . There was not one of them knew how to keep a shilling when they 'dgot one . Still , it was a bit lonesome for Eliza now , with no one but Jim 'sLouisa to look after her . He grew rather downhearted as he trudged along , thinking . She and he had stuck together “ a many year . ” There would be nobody left for him to go along with when she was gone . There was his niece Bessie Costrell and her husband , and there was his silly old cousin Widow Waller . He dared say they 'dboth of them want him to live with them . At the thought a grin crossed his ruddy face . They both knew about it — that was what it was . And he would n't live with either of them , not he . Not yet a bit , anyway . All the same , he had a fondness for Bessie and her husband . Bessie was always very civil to him — he chuckled again — and if anything had to be done with it , while he was five miles off at Frampton on a job of work that had been offered him , he did n't know but he 'das soon trust Isaac Costrell and Bessie as anybody else . You might call Isaac rather a fool , what with his religion , and “ extemp'ry prayin ', an 'that , ” but all the same Bolderfield thought of him with a kind of uneasy awe . If ever there was a man secure of the next world it was Isaac Costrell . His temper , perhaps , was “ nassty , ” which might pull him down a little when the last account came to be made up ; and it could not be said that his elder children had come to much , for all his piety . But , on the whole , Bolderfield only wished he stood as well with the powers talked about in chapel every Sunday as Isaac did . As for Bessie , she had been a wasteful woman all her life , with never a bit of money put by , and never a good dress to her back . But , “ Lor bless yer , there was a many worse folk nor Bessie . ” She was n't one of your sour people — she could make you laugh ; she had a merry heart . Many a pleasant evening had he passed chatting with her and Isaac ; and whenever they cooked anything good there was always a bite for him . Yes , Bessie had been a good niece to him ; and if he trusted any one he dared say he 'dtrust them . “ Well , how 'sEliza , Muster Bolderfield ? ” said a woman who passed him in the village street . He replied , and then went his way , sobered again , dreading to find himself at the cottage once more , and in the stuffy upper room with the bed and the dying woman . Yet he was not really sad , not here at least , out in the air and the sun . There was always a thought in his mind , a fact in his consciousness , which stood between him and sadness . It had so stood for a long , long time . He walked through the village to-night in spite of Eliza and his sixty years with a free bearing and a confident glance to right and left . He knew , and the village knew , that he was not as other men . He passed the village green with its pond , and began to climb a lane leading to the hill . Half-way up stood two cottages sideways . Phloxes and marigolds grew untidily about their doorways , and straggly roses , starved a little by the chalk soil , looked in at their latticed windows . They were , however , comparatively modern and comfortable , with two bedrooms above and two living-rooms below , far superior to the older and more picturesque cottages in the main street . John went in softly , put down his straw dinner-bag , and took off his heavy boots . Then he opened a door in the wall of the kitchen , and gently climbed the stairs . A girl was sitting by the bed . When she saw his whitish head and red face emerge against the darkness of the stair-hole , she put up her finger for silence . John crept in and came to look at the patient . His eyes grew round and staring , his colour changed . “ Is she a-goin '? ” he said , with evident excitement . Jim 'sLouisa shook her head . She was rather a stupid girl , heavy and round-faced , but she had nursed her grandmother well . “ No ; she 'sasleep . Muster Drew 'sbeen here , and she dropped off while he was a-talkin 'to her . ” Mr. Drew was the Congregational minister . “ Did she send for him ? ” “ Yes ; she said she felt her feet a-gettin 'cold , and I must run . But I do n't believe she 'sno worse . ” John stood looking down , ruefully . Suddenly the figure in the bed turned . “ John , ” said a comparatively strong voice which made Bolderfield start — “ John , Muster Drew says you 'doughter put it in the bank . You 'llbe a fool if yer do n't , ' ee says . ” The old woman 'spinched face emerged from the sheets , looking up at him . Bluish patches showed here and there on the drawn white skin ; there was a great change since the morning , but the eyes were still alive . John was silent a moment , one corner of his mouth twitching , as though what she had said struck him in a humorous light . “ Well , I do n't know as I mind much what 'ee says , ' Liza . ” “ Sit down . ” She made a movement with her emaciated hand . John sat down on the chair Louisa gave up to him , and bent down over the bed . “ If yer woa n't do — what Muster Drew says , John — whatever wull yer do with it ? ” She spoke slowly , but clearly . John scratched his head . His complexion had evidently been very fair . It was still fresh and pink , and the full cheek hung a little over the jaw . The mouth was shrewd , but its expression was oddly contradicted by the eyes , which had on the whole a childish , weak look . “ I think yer must leave it to me , ' Liza , ” he said at last . “ I 'lldo all for the best . ” “ No — yer 'llnot , John , ” said the dying voice . “ You 'da done a many stupid things — if I ' ad n't stopped yer . An ' I 'ma-goin '. You 'llnever leave it wi 'Bessie ? ” “ An ' who ' ud yer 'ave me leave it with ? Ai n't Bessie my own sister 'schild ? ” An emaciated hand stole out of the bed-clothes and fastened feebly on his arm . “ If yer do , John , yer 'llrepent it . Yer never were a good one at judgin 'folk . Yer doa n't consider nothin ' — an ' I 'ma-goin '. Leave it with Saunders , John . ” There was a pause . Then John said with an obstinate look — “ Saunders 'as never been a friend o 'mine , since 'ee did me out o 'that bit o 'business with Missus Moulsey . An ' I do n't mean to go makin 'friends with him again . ” Eliza withdrew her hand with a long sigh , and her eyelids closed . A fit of coughing shook her ; she had to be lifted in bed , and it left her gasping and deathly . John was sorely troubled , and not only for himself . When she was more at ease again , he stooped to her and put his mouth to her ear . “ ' Liza , do n't yer think no more about it . Did Mr. Drew read to yer ? Are yer comfortable in yer mind ? ” She made a sign of assent , which showed , however , no great interest in the subject . There was silence for a long time . Louisa was getting supper downstairs . John , oppressed by the heat of the room and tired by his day 'swork , had almost fallen asleep in his chair , when the old woman spoke again . “ John — what 'ud you think o 'Mary Anne Waller ? ” The whisper was still human and eager . John roused himself , and could not help an astonished laugh . “ Why , whatever put Mary Anne into your head , ' Liza ? Yer never thought anythink o 'Mary Anne — no more than me . ” Eliza 'seyes wandered round the room . “ P'raps — ” she said , then stopped , and could say no more . She seemed to become unconscious , and John went to call for Louisa . In the middle of the night John woke with a start , and sat up to listen . Not a sound — but they would have called him if the end had come . He could not rest , however , and presently he huddled on some clothes and went to listen at Eliza 'sdoor . It was ajar , and hearing nothing he pushed it open . Poor Eliza lay in her agony , unconscious , and breathing heavily . Beside her sat the widow , Mary Anne Waller , and Louisa , motionless too , their heads bent . There was an end of candle in a basin behind the bed , which threw circles of wavering light over the coarse whitewash of the roof and on the cards and faded photographs above the tiny mantelpiece . John crept up to the bed . The two women made a slight movement to let him stand between them . “ Ca n't yer give her no brandy ? ” he asked , whispering . Mary Anne Waller shook her head . “ Dr. Murch said we wer' n't to trouble her . She 'llgo when the light comes — most like . ” She was a little shrivelled woman with a singularly delicate mouth , that quivered as she spoke . John and Eliza Bolderfield had never thought much of her , though she was John 'scousin . She was a widow , and greatly “ put upon ” both by her children and her neighbours . Her children were grown up , and settled — more or less — in the world , but they still lived on her freely whenever it suited them ; and in the village generally she was reckoned but a poor creature . However , when Eliza — originally a hard , strong woman — took to her bed with incurable disease , Mary Anne Waller came in to help , and was accepted . She did everything humbly ; she even let Louisa order her about . But before the end , Eliza had come to be restless when she was not there . Now , however , Eliza knew no more , and the little widow sat gazing at her with the tears on her cheeks . John , too , felt his eyes wet . But after half an hour , when there was still no change , he was turning away to go back to bed , when the widow touched his arm . “ Wo n't yer give her a kiss , John ? ” she said timidly . “ She wor a good sister to you . ” John , with a tremor , stooped , and clumsily did as he was told — the first time in his life he had ever done so for Mary Anne . Then , stepping as noiselessly as he could on his bare feet , he hurried away . A man shares nothing of that yearning attraction which draws women to a death-bed as such . Instead , John felt a sudden sickness at his heart . He was thankful to find himself in his own room again , and thought with dread of having to go back — for the end . In spite of his still vigorous and stalwart body , he was often plagued with nervous fears and fancies . And it was years now since he had seen death — he had , indeed , carefully avoided seeing it . Gradually , however , as he sat on the edge of his bed in the summer dark , the new impression died away , and something habitual took its place — that shielding , solacing thought , which was in truth all the world to him , and was going to make up to him for Eliza 'sdeath , for getting old , and the lonesomeness of a man without chick or child . He would have felt unutterably forlorn and miserable , he would have shrunk trembling from the shapes of death and pain that seemed to fill the darkness , but for this fact , this defence , this treasure , that set him apart from his fellows and gave him this proud sense of superiority , of a good time coming in spite of all . Instinctively , as he sat on the bed , he pushed his bare foot backwards till his heel touched a wooden object that stood underneath . The contact cheered him at once . He ceased to think about Eliza , his head was once more full of whirling plans and schemes . The wooden object was a box that held his money , the savings of a labourer 'slifetime . Seventy-one pounds ! It seemed to him an ocean of gold , never to be exhausted . The long toil of saving it was almost done . After the Frampton job , he would begin enjoying it , cautiously at first , taking a bit of work now and again , and then a bit of holiday . All the savour of life was connected for him with that box . His mind ran over the constant excitements of the many small loans he had made from it to his relations and friends . A shilling in the pound interest — he had never taken less and he had never asked more . He had only lent to people he knew well , people in the village whom he could look after , and seldom for a term longer than three months , for to be parted from his money at all gave him physical pain . He had once suffered great anxiety over a loan to his eldest brother of thirty pounds . But in the end James had paid it all back . He could still feel tingling through him the passionate joy with which he had counted out the recovered sovereigns , with the extra three half-sovereigns of interest . Muster Drew indeed ! John fell into an angry inward argument against his suggestion of the savings bank . It was an argument he had often rehearsed , often declaimed , and at bottom it all came to this — without that box under his bed , his life would have sunk to dulness and decrepitude ; he would have been merely a pitiful and lonely old man . He had neither wife nor children , all for the hoard 'ssake ; but while the hoard was there , to be handled any hour , he regretted nothing . Besides , there was the peasant 'srooted distrust of offices , and paper transactions , of any routine that checks his free will and frightens his inexperience . He was still eagerly thinking when the light began to flood into his room , and before he could compose himself to sleep the women called him . But he shed no more tears . He saw Eliza die , his companion of forty years , and hardly felt it . What troubled him all through the last scene was the thought that now he should never know why she was so set against “ Bessie 's' avin ' it . ” SCENE II IT was , indeed , the general opinion in Clinton Magna that John Bolderfield — or “ Borrofull , ” as the village pronounced it , took his sister-in-law 'sdeath too lightly . The women especially pronounced him a hard heart . Here was “ poor Eliza ” gone , Eliza who had kept him decent and comfortable for forty years , ever since he was a lad , and he could go about whistling , and — to talk to him — as gay as a lark ! Yet John contributed handsomely to the burial expenses — Eliza having already , through her burial club , provided herself with a more than regulation interment ; and he gave Jim 'sLouisa her mourning . Nevertheless these things did not avail . It was felt instinctively that he was not beaten down as he ought to have been , and Mrs. Saunders , the smith 'swife , was applauded when she said to her neighbours that “ you could n't expeck a man with John Bolderfield 'smoney to have as many feelin 'sas other people . ” Whence it would seem that the capitalist is no more truly popular in small societies than in large . John , however , did not trouble himself about these things . He was hard at work harvesting for Muster Hill 'swidow , and puzzling his head day and night as to what to do with his box . When the last field had been carried and the harvest supper was over , he came home late , and wearied out . His working life at Clinton Magna was done ; and the family he had worked for so long was broken up in distress and poverty . Yet he felt only a secret exultation . Such toil and effort behind — such a dreamland in front ! Next day he set to work to wind up his affairs . The furniture of the cottage was left to Eliza 'sson Jim , and the daughter had arranged for the carting of it to the house twelve miles off where her parents lived . She was to go with it on the morrow , and John would give up the cottage and walk over to Frampton , where he had already secured a lodging . Only twenty-four hours ! — and he had not yet decided . Which was it to be — Saunders , after all — or the savings bank — or Bessie ? He was cording up his various possessions — a medley lot — in different parcels and bundles when Bessie Costrell knocked at the door . She had already offered to stow away anything he might like to leave with her . “ Well , I thought you 'dbe busy , ” she said as she walked in , “ an ' I came up to lend a hand . Is them the things you 'regoin ' to leave me to take care on ? ” John nodded . “ Field 'scart , as takes Louisa 'sthings to-morrer , is a-goin 'to deliver these at your place first . They 'remore nor I thought they would be . But you can put ' em anywheres . ” “ Oh , I 'llsee to them . ” She sat down and watched him tie the knots of the last parcel . “ There 'ssome people as is real ill-natured , ” she said presently , in an angry voice . “ Aye ? ” said John , looking up sharply . “ What are they sayin 'now ? ” “ It 'sMuster Saunders . ' Ee 'sallus sayin 'nassty things about other folks . And there 'dbe plenty of fault to be found with ' im , if onybody was to try . An ' Sally Saunders eggs him on dreadful . ” Saunders was the village smith , a tall , brawny man , of great size and corresponding wisdom , who had been the village arbiter and general councillor for a generation . There was not a will made in Clinton Magna that he did not advise upon ; not a bit of contentious business that he had not a share in ; not a family history that he did not know . His probity was undisputed ; his ability was regarded with awe ; but as he had a sharp tongue and was no respecter of persons , there was of course an opposition . John took a seat on the wooden box he had just been cording , and mopped his brow . His full cheeks were crimson , partly with exertion , partly with sudden annoyance . “ What 's' ee been sayin 'now ? Though it doa n't matter a brass farthin ' to me what ' ee says . ” “ He says you 'ave n't got no proper feelin 's about poor Eliza , an ' you 'dought to have done a great deal more for Louisa . But ' ee says you allus were a mean one with your money — an ' you knew that ' ee knew it — for 'ee 'dstopped you takin ' an unfair advantage more nor once . An ' ' ee did n't believe as your money would come to any good ; for now Eliza was gone you would n't know how to take care on it . ” John 'seyes flamed . “ Oh ! ' ee says that , do ' ee ? Well , Saunders wor allus a beast — an ' a beast 'ee 'llbe . ” He sat with his chin on his large dirty hands , ruminating furiously . It was quite true that Saunders had thwarted him more than once . There was old Mrs. Moulsey at the shop , when she wanted to buy those cottages in Potter 'sRow — and there was Sam Field the higgler — both of them would have borrowed from him if Saunders had n't cooled them off . Saunders said it was a Jew 'sinterest he was asking — because there was security — but he was n't going to accept a farthing less than his shilling a pound for three months — not he ! So they might take it or leave it . And Mrs. Moulsey got hers from the Building Society , and Sam Field made shift to go without . And John Bolderfield was three pounds poorer that quarter than he need have been — all along of Saunders . And now Saunders was talking “ agen him ” like this — blast him ! “ Oh , an ' then he went on , ” pursued Bessie with gusto , “ about your bein 'too ignorant to put it in the post-office . ' Ee said you 'dthink Edwards would go an ' spend it ” ( Edwards was the post-master ) , “ an ' then he laughed fit to split 'imself . Yer could n't see more nor the length of your own nose , he said , — it was edication you wanted . As for 'im , ' ee said , ' ee 'dhave kep 'it for you if you 'dasked him , but you 'dbeen like a bear with a sore 'ead , ' ee said , ever since Mrs. Moulsey 'saffair — so 'ee did n't suppose you would . ” “ Well , ' ee 'sabout right there , ” said John , grimly ; “ ' ee 'stalkin ' sense for onst when ' ee says that . I 'ddig a hole in the hill and bury it sooner nor I 'dtrust it to ' im — I would , by — ” he swore vigorously . “ A thieving set of magpies is all them Saunders — cadgin '' ere and cadgin 'there . ” He spoke with fierce contempt , the tacit hatred of years leaping to sight . Bessie 'sbright brown eyes looked at him with sympathy . “ It was just his nassty spite , ” she said . “ He knew ' ee could never ha ' done it — not what you 'vedone — out o ' your wages . Not unless ' ee got Sally to tie 'im to the dresser with ropes so as ' ee could n't go a-near the Spotted Deer no more ! ” She laughed like a merry child at her own witticism , and John relished it too , though he was not in a laughing mood . “ Why , ” continued Bessie with enthusiasm , “ it was Muster Drew as said to me the other afternoon , as we was walkin '' ome from the churchyard , says ' ee , ‘Mrs . Costrell , I call it splendid what John 'sdone — I do , ’ ' ee says . ‘A labourer on fifteen shillin 'sa week — why , it 'san example to the county , ’ ' ee says . ‘'Ee ought to be showed.’ ” John 'sface relaxed . The temper and obstinacy in the eyes began to yield to the weak complacency which was their more normal expression . There was silence for a minute or two . Bessie sat with her hands on her lap and her face turned towards the open door . Beyond the cherry-red phloxes outside it , the ground fell rapidly to the village , rising again beyond the houses to a great stubble field , newly shorn . Gleaners were already in the field , their bent figures casting sharp shadows on the golden upland , and the field itself stretched upwards to a great wood that lay folded round the top of a spreading hill . To the left , beyond the hill , a wide plain travelled into the sunset , its level spaces cut by the scrawled elms and hedgerows of the nearer landscape . The beauty of it all — the beauty of an English midland — was of a modest and measured sort , depending chiefly on bounties of sun and air , on the delicacies of gentle curves and the pleasant intermingling of wood and cornfield , of light spaces with dark , of solid earth with luminous sky . Such as it was , however , neither Bessie nor John spared it a moment 'sattention . Bessie was thinking a hundred busy thoughts . John , on the other hand , had begun to consider her with an excited scrutiny . She was a handsome woman , as she sat in the doorway with her fine brown head turned to the light . But John naturally was not thinking of that . He was in the throes of decision . “ Look ' ere , Bessie , ” he said suddenly ; “ what 'ud you say if I wor to ask Isaac an ' you to take care on it ? ” Bessie started slightly . Then she looked frankly round at him . She had very keen , lively eyes , and a bright red-brown colour on thin cheeks . The village applied to her the epithet which John 'sthoughts had applied to Muster Hill 'swidow . They said she was “ caselty , ” which means flighty , haphazard , excitable ; but she was popular , nevertheless , and had many friends . It was , of course , her own settled opinion that her uncle ought to leave that box with her and Isaac ; and it had wounded her vanity , and her affection besides , that John had never yet made any such proposal , though she knew — as , indeed , the village knew — that he was perplexed as to what to do with his hoard . But she had never dared to suggest that he should leave it with her , out of fear of Eliza Bolderfield . Bessie was well aware that Eliza thought ill of her , and would dissuade John from any such arrangement if she could . And so formidable was Eliza — a woman of the hardest and sourest virtue — when she chose , that Bessie was afraid of her , even on her death-bed , though generally ready enough to quarrel with other people . Nevertheless , Bessie had always felt that it would be a crying shame and slight if she and Isaac did not have the guardianship of the money . She thirsted , perhaps , to make an impression upon public opinion in the village , which , as she instinctively realized , held her cheaply . And then , of course , there was the secret thought of John 'sdeath , and what might come of it . John had always loudly proclaimed that he meant to spend his money , and not leave it behind him . But the instinct of saving , once formed , is strong . John , too , might die sooner than he thought — and she and Isaac had children . She had come up , indeed , that afternoon , haunted by a passionate desire to get the money into her hands ; yet the mere sordidness of “ expectations ” counted for less in the matter than one would suppose . Vanity , a vague wish to ingratiate herself with her uncle , to avoid a slight — these were , on the whole , her strongest motives . At any rate , when he had once asked her the momentous question , she knew well what to say to him . “ Well , if you arst me , ” she said hastily , “ of course we think as it 'sonly nateral you should leave it with Isaac an ' me , as is your own kith and kin . But we was n't goin ' to say nothin '; we did n't want to be pushin ' of ourselves forward . ” John rose to his feet . He was in his shirt-sleeves , which were rolled up . He pulled them down , put on his coat , an air of crisis on his fat face . “ Where ' ud you put it ? ” he said . “ Yer know that cupboard by the top of the stairs ? It 'ud stand there easy . And the cupboard 'sgot a good lock to it ; but we 'd' ave it seen to , to make sure . ” She looked up at him eagerly . She longed to feel herself trusted and important . Her self-love was too often mortified in these respects . John fumbled round his neck for the bit of black cord on which he kept two keys — the key of his room while he was away , and the key of the box itself . “ Well , let 'sget done with it , ” he said . “ I 'moff to-morrer mornin ', six o'clock . You go and get Isaac to come down . ” “ I 'llrun , ” said Bessie , catching up her shawl and throwing it over her head . “ He wor just finishin 'his tea . ” And she whirled out of the cottage , running up the steep road behind it as fast as she could . John was vaguely displeased by her excitement ; but the die was cast . He went to make his arrangements . Bessie ran till she was out of breath . When she reached her own house , a cottage in a side lane above the Bolderfields 'cottage and overlooking it from the back , she found her husband sitting with his pipe at the open door and reading his newspaper . Three out of her own four children were playing in the lane , otherwise there was no one about . Isaac greeted her with a nod and slight lightening of the eyes , which , however , hardly disturbed the habitual sombreness of the face . He was a dark , finely featured man , with grizzled hair , carrying himself with an air of sleepy melancholy . He was much older than his wife , and was a prominent leader in the little Independent chapel of the village . His melancholy could give way on occasion to fits of violent temper . For instance , he had been almost beside himself when Bessie , who had leanings to the Establishment , as providing a far more crowded and entertaining place of resort on Sundays than her husband 'schapel , had rashly proposed to have the youngest baby christened in church . Other Independents did it freely — why not she ? But Isaac had been nearly mad with wrath , and Bessie had fled upstairs from him , with her baby , and bolted the bedroom door in bodily terror . Otherwise , he was a most docile husband — in the neighbours 'opinion , docile to absurdity . He complained of nothing , and took notice of little . Bessie 'suntidy ways left him indifferent ; his main interest was in a kind of religious dreaming , and in an Independent paper to which he occasionally wrote a letter . He was gardener at a small house on the hill , and had rather more education than most of his fellows in the village . For the rest , he was fond of his children , and , in his heart of hearts , exceedingly proud of his wife , her liveliness and her good looks . She had been a remarkably pretty girl when he married her , some eight years after his first wife 'sdeath , and there was a great difference of age between them . His two elder children by his first marriage had long since left the home . The girl was in service . It troubled him to think of the boy , who had fallen into bad ways early . Bessie 'schildren were all small , and she herself still young , though over thirty . When Bessie came up to him , she looked round to see that no one could hear . Then she stooped and told him her errand in a panting whisper . He must go down and fetch the box at once . She had promised John Borrofull that they would stand by him . They were his own flesh and blood — and the cupboard had a capital lock — and there was n't no fear of it at all . Isaac listened to her at first with amazement , then sulkily . She had talked to him often certainly about John 'smoney , but it had made little impression on his dreamer 'ssense . And now her demand struck him disagreeably . He did n't want the worrit of other people 'smoney , he said . Let them as owned it keep it ; filthy lucre was a snare to all as had to do with it ; and it would only bring a mischief to have it in the house . After a few more of these objections , Bessie lost her temper . She broke into a torrent of angry arguments and reproaches , mainly turning , it seemed , upon a recent visit to the house of Isaac 'seldest son . The drunken ne'er-do-weel had given Bessie much to put up with . Oh yes ! — she was to be plagued out of her life by Isaac 'sbelongings , and he would n't do a pin 'sworth for her . Just let him see next time , that was all . Isaac smoked vigorously through it all . But she was hammering on a sore point . “ Oh , it 'sjust like yer ! ” Bessie flung at him at last in desperation . “ You 'reallus the same — a mean-spirited feller , stannin 'in your children 'sway ! ' Ow do you know who old John 'sgoing to leave his money to ? ' Ow do you know as he would n't leave it to them poor innercents ” — she waved her hand tragically towards the children playing in the road — “ if we was just a bit nice and friendly with him now ' ee 'sgettin 'old ? But you do n't care , not you ! — one 'ud think yer were made o 'money — an 'that little one there not got the right use of his legs ! ” She pointed , half crying , to the second boy , who had already shown signs of hip disease . Isaac still smoked , but he was troubled in his mind . A vague presentiment held him , but the pressure brought to bear upon him was strong . “ I tell yer the lock is n't a good ' un ! ” he said , suddenly removing his pipe . Bessie stopped instantly in the middle of another tirade . She was leaning against the door , arms akimbo , eyes alternately wet and flaming . “ Then , if it is n't , ” she said , with a triumphant change of tone , “ I 'llsoon get Flack to see to it — it 'snobbut a step . I 'llrun up after supper . ” Flack was the village carpenter . “ An ' there 'smother 'sold box as takes up the cupboard , ” continued Isaac gruffly . Bessie burst out laughing . “ Oh ! yer old silly , ” she said . “ As if they could n't stand one top o ' the t'other . Now , do just go , Isaac — there 'sa lovey ! ' Ee 'swaitin ' for yer . Whatever did make yer so contrairy ? Of course I did n't mean nothin ' I said — an ' I do n't mind Timothy , nor nothin '. ” Still he did not move . “ Then I s'pose yer want everybody in the village to know ? ” he said with sarcasm . Bessie was taken aback . “ No — I — do n't — ” she said undecidedly — “ I do n't know what yer mean . ” “ You go back and tell John as I 'llcome when it 'sdark , an ', if he 'snot a stupid , he wo n't want me to come afore . ” Bessie understood and acquiesced . She ran back with her message to John . At half-past eight , when it had grown almost dark , Isaac descended the hill . John opened the door to his knock . “ Good evenin ', Isaac . Yer 'lltake it , will yer ? ” “ If you ca n't do nothin 'better with it , ” said Isaac , unwillingly . “ But in gineral I 'mnot partial on keeping other folk 'smoney . ” John liked him all the better for his reluctance . “ It 'llgive yer no trouble , ” he said . “ You lock it up , an ' it ' ll be all safe . Now , will yer lend a hand ? ” Isaac stepped to the door , looked up the lane , and saw that all was quiet . Then he came back , and the two men raised the box . As they crossed the threshold , however , the door of the next cottage — which belonged to Watson , the policeman — opened suddenly . John , in his excitement , was so startled that he almost dropped his end of the box . “ Why , Bolderfield , ” said Watson 'scheery voice , “ what have you got there ? Do you want a hand ? ” “ No , I do n't — thank yer kindly , ” said John in agitation . “ An ', if you please , Muster Watson , do n't yer say nothin ' to nobody . ” The burly policeman looked from John to Isaac , then at the box . John 'shoard was notorious , and the officer of the law understood . “ Lor 'bless yer , ” he said , with a laugh , “ I 'msafe . Well , good evenin ' to yer , if I ca n't be of any assistance . ” And he went off on his beat . The two men carried the box up the hill . It was in itself a heavy , old-fashioned affair , strengthened and bottomed with iron . Isaac wondered whether the weight of it were due more to the box or to the money . But he said nothing . He had no idea how much John might have saved , and would not have asked him the direct question for the world . John 'sown way of talking about his wealth was curiously contradictory . His “ money ” was rarely out of his thoughts or speech , but no one had ever been priviledged for many years now to see the inside of his box , except Eliza once ; and no one but himself knew the exact amount of the hoard . It delighted him that the village gossips should double or treble it . Their estimates only gave him the more ground for vague boasting , and he would not have said a word to put them right . When they reached the Costrells 'cottage , John 'sfirst care was to examine the cupboard . He saw that the large wooden chest filled with odds and ends of rubbish which already stood there was placed on the top of his own box . Then he tried the lock , and pronounced it adequate ; he did n't want to have Flack meddling round . Now at the moment of parting with his treasure he was seized with a sudden fever of secrecy . Bessie meanwhile hovered about the two men , full of excitement and loquacity . And the children , shut into the kitchen , wondered what could be the matter . When all was done , Isaac locked the cupboard , and solemnly presented the key to John , who added it to the other round his neck . Then Bessie unlocked the kitchen , and set the children flying , to help her with the supper . She was in her most bustling and vivacious mood , and she had never cooked the bloaters better or provided a more ample jug of beer . But John was silent and depressed . He took leave at last with many sighs and lingerings . But he had not been gone half an hour , and Bessie and Isaac were just going to bed , when there was a knock at the door , and he reappeared . “ Let me lie down there , ” he said , pointing to a broken-down old sofa that ran under the window . “ I 'mlonesome somehow , an ' I 'vetold Louisa . ” His white hair and whiskers stood out wildly round his red face . He looked old and ill , and the sympathetic Bessie was sorry for him . She made him a bed on the sofa , and he lay there all night , restless , and sighing heavily . He missed Eliza more than he had done yet , and was oppressed with a vague sense of unhappiness . Once , in the middle of the night when all was still , he stole upstairs in his stockinged feet and gently tried the cupboard door . It was quite safe , and he went down contented . An hour or two later he was off , trudging to Frampton through the August dawn , with his bundle on his back . SCENE III SOME five months passed away . One January night the Independent minister of Clinton Magna was passing down the village street . Clinton lay robed in light snow , and “ sparkling to the moon . ” The frozen pond beside the green , though it was nearly eight o'clock , was still alive with children , sliding and shouting . All around the gabled roofs stood laden and spotless . The woods behind the village , and those running along the top of the snowy hill , were meshed in a silvery mist which died into the moonlit blue , while in the fields the sharpness of the shadows thrown by the scattered trees made a marvel of black and white . The minister , in spite of a fighting creed , possessed a measure of gentler susceptibilities , and the beauty of this basin in the chalk hills , this winter triumphant , these lights of home and fellowship in the cottage windows disputing with the forlornness of the snow , crept into his soul . His mind travelled from the physical purity and hardness before him to the purity and hardness of the inner life — the purity that Christ blessed , the “ hardness ” that the Christian endures . And such thoughts brought him pleasure as he walked — the mystic 'spleasure . Suddenly he saw a woman cross the snowy green in front of him . She had come from the road leading to the hill , and her pace was hurried . Her shawl was muffled round her head , but he recognized her , and his mood fell . She was the wife of Isaac Costrell , and she was hurrying to the Spotted Deer , a public-house which lay just beyond the village , on the road to the mill . Already several times that week had he seen her going in or coming out . Talk had begun to reach him , and he said to himself to-night as he saw her , — that Isaac Costrell 'swife was going to ruin . The thought oppressed him , pricked his pastoral conscience . Isaac was his right-hand man : dull to all the rest of the world , but not dull to the minister . With Mr. Drew sometimes he would break into talk of religion , and the man 'sdark eyes would lose their film . His big troubled self spoke with that accent of truth which lifts common talk and halting texts to poetry . The minister , himself more of a pessimist than his sermons showed , felt a deep regard for him . Could nothing be done to save Isaac 'swife and Isaac ? Not so long ago Bessie Costrell had been a decent woman , though a flighty and excitable one . Now some cause , unknown to the minister , had upset a wavering balance , and was undoing a life . As he passed the public-house a man came out , and through the open door Mr. Drew caught a momentary glimpse of the bar and the drinkers . Bessie 'shandsome , reckless head stood out an instant in the bright light . Then Drew saw that the man who had emerged was Watson the policeman . They greeted each other cordially and walked on together . Watson also was a member of the minister 'sflock . Mr. Drew felt suddenly moved to unburden himself . “ That was Costrell 'swife , Watson , was n't it , poor thing ? ” “ Aye , it wor Mrs. Costrell , ” said Watson in the tone of concern natural to the respectable husband and father . The minister sighed . “ It 'sterrible the way she 'sgone downhill the last three months . I never pass almost but I see her going in there or coming out . ” “ No , ” said Watson , slowly , “ no , it 'sbad . What I 'dlike to know , ” he added reflectively , “ is where she gets the money from . ” “ Oh , she had a legacy , had n't she , in August ? It seems to have been a curse . She has been a changed woman ever since . ” “ Yes , she had a legacy , ” said Watson , dubiously ; “ but I do n't believe it was much . She talked big , of course , and made a lot o 'fuss — she 'sthat kind o 'woman — just as she did about old John 'smoney . ” “ Old John 'smoney ? — Ah ! did any one ever know what became of that ? ” “ Well , there 'smany people thinks as Isaac has got it hid in the house somewhere , and there 'sothers thinks he 'sput it in Bedford bank . Edwards told me private he did n't know nothing about it at the post-office , an ' Bessie told my wife as John had given Isaac the keepin ' of it till he come back again ; but he 'dknock her about , she said , if she let on what he 'ddone with it . That 'sthe story she 'sallus had , and boastin ', of course , dreadful , about John 'strustin 'them , and Isaac doin ' all his business for him . ” The minister reflected . — “ And you say the legacy was n't much ? ” “ Well , sir , I know some people over at Bedford where her aunt lived as left it her , and they were sure it was n't a great deal ; but you never know . ” “ And Isaac never said ? ” “ Bless yer , no , sir ! He was never a great one for talking , was n't Isaac ; but you 'dthink now as he 'dnever learnt how . He 'llset there in the Club of a night and never open his mouth to nobody . ” “ Perhaps he 'sfretting about his wife , Watson ? ” “ Well , I do n't believe as he knows much about her goin's-on — not all , leastways . I 'veseen her wait till he was at his work or gone to the Club , and then run down the hill , — tearin '— with her hair flyin ' — you 'dthink she 'dgone silly . Oh , it 'sa bad business , ” said Watson , strongly , “ an ' uncommon bad business — all them young children too . ” “ I never saw her drunk , Watson . ” “ No — yer would n't . Nor I neither . But she 'lltreat half the parish if she gets the chance . I know many young fellers as go to the Spotted Deer just because they know she 'lltreat ' em . She 'sa-doin 'of it now — there 'slots of ' em . And allus changin 'such a queer lot of money too — odd half-crowns , — years and years old — King George the Third , sir . No — it 'sstrange — very strange . ” The two walked on into the darkness , still talking . Meanwhile , inside the Spotted Deer Bessie Costrell was treating her hangers-on . She had drunk one glass of gin and water — it had made a beauty of her in the judgment of the tap-room , such a kindling had it given to her brown eyes and such a redness to her cheek . Bessie , in truth , had reached her moment of physical prime . The marvel was that there were no lovers in addition to the drinking and the extravagance . But the worst of the village scandalmongers knew of none . Since this new phase of character in her had developed , she would drink and make merry with any young fellow in the place , but it went no farther . She was bonne camarade with all the world — no more . Perhaps at bottom some coolness of temperament protected her ; nobody , at any rate , suspected that it had anything to do with Isaac , or that she cared a ha'porth for so lugubrious and hypocritical a husband . She had showered drinks on all her friends , and had , moreover , chattered and screamed herself hoarse , when the church-clock outside slowly struck eight . She started , changed countenance , and got up to pay at once . “ Why , there 'sanother o ' them half-crowns o 'yourn , Bessie , ” said a consumptive-looking girl in a bedraggled hat and feathers , as Mrs. Costrell handed her coin to the landlord . “ Wheriver do yer get ' em ? ” “ If yer do n't ask no questions , I wo n't tell yer no lies , ” said Bessie , with quick impudence . “ Where did you get them hat and feathers ? ” There was a coarse laugh from the company . The girl in the hat reddened furiously , and she and Bessie — both of them in a quarrelsome state — began to bandy words . Meanwhile the landlord was showing the coin to his assistant at the bar . “ Rum , ai n't it ? I niver seed one o ' them pieces in the village afore this winter , an ' I 'vebeen ' ere twenty-two year come April . ” A decent-looking labourer , who did not often visit the Spotted Deer , was leaning over the bar and caught the words . “ Well , then , I 'ave , ” he said promptly . “ I mind well as when I were a lad , sixteen year ago , my fayther borrered a bit o 'money off John Bolderfield , to buy a cow with — an ' there was 'arf of it in them 'arf-crowns . ” Those standing near overheard . Bessie and the girl stopped quarrelling . The landlord , startled , cast a sly eye in Bessie 'sdirection . She came up to the bar . “ What 'sthat yer sayin '? ” she demanded . The man repeated his remark . “ Well , I dessay there was , ” said Bessie — “ I dessay there was . I s'pose there 'splenty of ' em . Where do I get ' em ? — why , I get ' em at Bedford , of course , when I goes for my money . ” She looked round defiantly . No one said anything ; but everybody instinctively suspected a lie . The sudden silence was striking . “ Well , give me my change , will yer ? ” she said impatiently to the landlord . “ I ca n't stan 'here all night . ” He gave it to her , and she went out showering reckless good-nights , to which there was little response . The door had no sooner closed upon her than every one in the tap-room pressed round the bar in a close gathering of heads and tongues . Bessie ran across the green and began to climb the hill at a rapid pace . Her thin woollen shawl blown back by the wind left her arms and bosom exposed . But the effects of the spirit in her veins prevented any sense of cold , though it was a bitter night . Once or twice , as she toiled up the hill , she gave a loud sudden sob . “ Oh my God ! ” she said to herself . “ My God ! ” When she was half-way up she met a neighbour . “ Have yer seen Isaac ? ” Bessie asked her , panting . “ ' Ee 'sat the Club , ar n't ' ee ? ” said the woman . “ Well , they wo n't be up yet . Jim tolt me as Muster Perris ” — Muster Perris was the vicar of Clinton Magna — “ 'ad got a strange gen'leman stayin ' with ' im , and was goin ' to take him into the Club to-night to speak to ' em . ' Ee 'sa bishop , they ses — someun from furrin parts . ” Bessie threw her good-night and climbed on . When she reached the cottage the lamp was flaming on the table and the fire was bright . Her lame boy had done all she had told him , and her miserable heart softened . She hurriedly put out some food for Isaac . Then she lit a candle and went up to look at the children . They were all asleep in the room to the right of the stairs — the two little boys in one bed , the two little girls in the other , each pair huddled together against the cold , like dormice in a nest . Then she looked , conscience-stricken , at the untidiness of the room . She had bought the children a wonderful number of new clothes lately , and the family being quite unused to such abundance , there was no place to keep them in . A new frock was flung down in a corner just as it had been taken off ; the kitten was sleeping on Arthur 'slast new jacket ; a smart hat with a bunch of poppies in it was lying about the floor ; and under the iron beds could be seen a confusion of dusty boots , new and old . The children were naturally reckless like their mother , and they had been getting used to new things . What excited them now , more than the acquisitions themselves , was that their mother had strictly forbidden them ever to show any of their new clothes to their father . If they did , she would beat them well , she said . That they understood ; and life was thereby enriched , not only by new clothes but by a number of new emotions and terrors . If Bessie noted the state of the room , she made no attempt to mend it . She smoothed back the hair from the boys 'foreheads with a violent , shaky hand , and kissed them all , especially Arthur . Then she went out and closed the door behind her . Outside she stood a moment on the tiny landing — listening . Not a sound ; but the cottage walls were thin . If any one came along the lane with heavy boots she must hear them . Very like he would be half an hour yet . She ran down the stairs and shut the door at the bottom of them , opening into the kitchen . It had no key or she would have locked it ; and in her agitation , her state of clouded brain , she forgot the outer door altogether . Hurrying up again , she sat down on the topmost step , putting her candle on the boards beside her . The cupboard at the stair-head where John had left his money was close to her left hand . As she sank into the attitude of rest , her first instinct was to cry and bemoan herself . Deep in her woman 'sbeing great floods of tears were rising , and would fain have spent themselves . But she fought them down , rapidly passing instead into a state of cold terror — terror of Isaac 'sstep — terror of discovery — of the man in the public-house . There was a mousehole in the skirting of the stairs close to the cupboard . She slipped in a finger , felt along an empty space behind , and drew out a key . It turned easily in the cupboard lock , and the two boxes stood revealed , standing apparently just as they stood when John left them . In hot haste Bessie dragged the treasure-box from under the other , starting at every sound in the process , at the thud the old wooden trunk made on the floor of the cupboard as its supporter was withdrawn , at the rustle of her own dress . All the boldness she had shown at the Spotted Deer had vanished . She was now the mere trembling and guilty woman . The lock on Bolderfield 'sbox had been forced long before ; it opened to her hand . A heap of sovereigns and half-sovereigns lay on one side , divided by a wooden partition from the few silver coins , crowns and half-crowns , still lying on the other . She counted both the gold and silver , losing her reckoning again and again , because of the sudden anguish of listening that would overtake her . Thirty-six pounds on the one side , not much more than thirty shillings on the other . When John left it there had been fifty-one pounds in gold , and rather more than twenty pounds in silver , most of it in half-crowns . Ah ! she knew the figures well . Did that man who had spoken to the landlord in the public-house suspect ? How strange they had all looked ! What a silly fool she had been to change so much of the silver , instead of sticking to the gold ! Yet she had thought the gold would be noticed more . When was old John coming back ? He had written once from Frampton to say that he was “ laid up bad with the rheumatics , ” and was probably going into the Frampton Infirmary . That was in November . Since then nothing had been heard of him . John was no scholar . What if he died without coming back ? There would be no trouble then , except — except with Isaac . Her mind suddenly filled with wild visions , — of herself marched through the village by Watson , as she had once seen him march a poacher who had mauled one of Mr. Forrest 'skeepers — of the towering walls of Frampton jail — of a visible physical shame which would kill her — drive her mad . If , indeed , Isaac did not kill her before any one but he knew ! He had been that cross and glum all these last weeks — never a bit of talk hardly — always snapping at her and the children . Yet he had never said a word to her about the drink — nor about the things she had bought . As to the “ things ” and the bills , she believed that he knew nothing — had noticed nothing . At home he was always smoking , sitting silent , with dim eyes , like a man in a dream — or reading his father 'sold books , “ good books , ” which filled Bessie with a sense of dreariness unspeakable — or pondering his weekly paper . But she believed he had begun to notice the drink . Drinking was universal in Clinton , though there was not much drunkenness . Teetotalers were unknown , and Isaac himself drank his beer freely , and a glass of spirits , like anybody else on occasion . She had been used for years to fetch his beer from the public , and she had been careful . But there were signs — Oh ! if she could only think of some way of putting it back — this thirty odd pounds . She held her head between her hands , thinking and thinking . Could n't that little lawyer man to whom she went every month at Bedford , to fetch her legacy money — could n't he lend it her , and keep her money till it was paid ? She could make up a story , and give him something for himself to induce him to hold his tongue . She had thought of this often before , but never so urgently as now . She would take the carrier 'scart to Bedford next day , while Isaac was at work , and try . Yet all the time despair was at her heart . So hard to undo ! Yet how easy it had been to take and to spend . She thought of that day in September , when she had got the news of her legacy — six shillings a week from an old aunt — her fathers aunt , whose very existence she had forgotten . The wild delight of it ! Isaac got sixteen shillings a week in wages — here was nearly half as much again . She was warned that it would come to an end in two years . But none the less it seemed to her a fortune — and all her life , before it came , mere hard pinching and endurance . She had always been one to spend where she could . Old John had often rated her for it . So had Isaac . But that was his money . This was hers , and he who , for religious reasons , had never made friends with or thought well of any of her family , instinctively disliked the money which had come from them , and made few inquiries into the spending of it . Oh ! the joy of those first visits to Frampton , when all the shops had seemed to be there for her , and she their natural mistress ! How ready people had been to trust her in the village ! How tempting it had been to brag and make a mystery ! That old skinflint , Mrs. Moulsey , at “ the shop , ” she had been all sugar and sweets then . And a few weeks later — six , seven weeks later — about the beginning of October , these halcyon days had all come to an end . She owed what she could not pay — people had ceased to smile upon her — she was harassed , excited , worried out of her life . Old familiar wonder of such a temperament ! How can it be so easy to spend , so delightful to promise , and so unreasonably , so unjustly difficult , to pay ? She began to be mortally afraid of Isaac — of the effect of disclosures . One night she was alone in the cottage , almost beside herself under the pressure of one or two claims she could not meet — one claim especially , that of a little jeweller , from whom she had bought a gold ring and a brooch at Frampton — when the thought of John 'shoard swept upon her — clutched her like something living and tyrannical , not to be shaken off . It struck her all in an instant that there was another cupboard in the little parlour , exactly like that on the stairs . The lower cupboard had a key — what if it fitted ? The Devil must have been eager and active that night , for the key turned in the lock with a smoothness that made honesty impossible — almost foolish . And the old , weak lock on the box itself — why , a chisel had soon made an end of that ! Only five minutes — it had been so quick — there had been no trouble . God had made no sign at all . Since ! All the village smiles — the village flatteries recovered — an orgie of power and pleasure — new passions and excitements — above all , the rising passion of drink , sweeping in storms through a weak nature that alternately opened to them and shuddered at them . And through everything the steadily dribbling away of the hoard — the astonishing ease and rapidity with which the coins — gold or silver — had flowed through her hands ! How could one spend so much in meat and dress , in beer and gin , in giving other people beer and gin ? How was it possible ? She sat lost in miserable thoughts , a mist around her ... . “ Wal , I niver ! ” said a low , astonished voice at the foot of the stairs . Bessie rose to her feet with a shriek , the heart stopping in her breast . The door below was ajar , and through the opening peered a face — the vicious , drunken face of her husband 'seldest son , Timothy Costrell . The man below cast one more look of amazement at the woman standing on the top stair , at the candle behind her , at the open box . Then an idea struck him : he sprang up the stairs at a bound . “ By gosh ! ” he said , looking down at the gold and silver . “ By gosh ! ” Bessie tried to thrust him back . “ What are you here for ? ” she asked fiercely , her trembling lips the colour of the whitewashed wall behind . “ You get off at onst , or I 'llcall yer father . ” He pushed her contemptuously aside . The swish of her dress caught the candle , and by good fortune put it out , or she would have been in a blaze . Now there was only the light from the paraffin lamp in the kitchen below striking upwards through the open door . She fell against the doorway of her bedroom , panting and breathless , watching him . He seated himself in her place , and stooped to look at the box . On the inside of the lid was pasted a discoloured piece of paper , and on the paper was written , in a round , laborious hand , the name , “ John Bolderfield . ” “ My blazes ! ” he said slowly , his bloodshot eyes opening wider than ever . “ It 'sold John 'smoney ! So yo 'vebeen after it , eh ? ” He turned to her with a grin , one hand on the box . He had been tramping for more than three months , during which time they had heard nothing of him . His filthy clothes scarcely hung together . His cheeks were hollow and wolfish . From the whole man there rose a sort of exhalation of vice . Bessie had seen him drunken and out at elbows before , but never so much of the beast as this . However , by this time she had somewhat recovered herself , and , approaching him , she stooped and tried to shut the box . “ You take yourself off , ” she said , desperately , pushing him with her fist . “ That money 'sno business o 'yourn . It 'sJohn 's, an ' he 'scomin ' back directly . He gave it us to look after , an ' I wor countin 'it . March ! — there 'syour father comin ' ! ” And with all her force she endeavoured to wrench his hand away . He tore it from her , and hit out at her backwards — a blow that sent her reeling against the wall . “ Yo take yer meddlin 'fist out o 'that ! ” he said . “ Father ai n't coming , and if he wor , I ' spect I could manage the two on yer — Keowntin it — ” he mimicked her . “ Oh ! yer a precious innercent , ai n't yer ? But I know all about yer . Bless yer , I 'vebeen in at the Spotted Deer to-night , and there wor n't nothin 'else talked of but yo and yor goin 'son . There wo n't be a tongue in the place to-morrow that wo n't be a-waggin 'about yer — yur a public charickter , yo are — they 'llbe sendin 'the reporters down on yer for a hinterview . ‘Where the devil do she get the money ? ’ they says . ” He threw his curly head back and laughed till his sides shook . “ Lor , I did n't think I wor going to know quite so soon ! An ' sich queer 'arf-crowns , they ses , as she keeps a-changin '. Jarge somethin '— an old cove in a wig . An ' ' ere they is , I 'llbe blowed , — some on ' em . Well , yer a nice ' un , yer are ! ” He stared her up and down with a kind of admiration . Bessie began to cry feebly — the crying of a lost soul . “ Tim , if yer 'llgo away an ' hold yer tongue , I 'llgive yer five o ' them suverins , and not tell yer father nothin '. ” “ Five on ' em ? ” he said , grinning . “ Five on ' em , eh ? ” And dipping his hands into the box , he began deliberately shovelling the whole hoard into his trousers and waistcoat pockets . Bessie flung herself upon him . He gave her one business-like blow which knocked her down against the bedroom door . The door yielded to her fall , and she lay there half stunned , the blood dripping from her temple . “ Noa , I 'llnot take ' em all , ” he said , not even troubling to look where she had fallen . “ That 'ud be playing it rayther too low down on old John . I 'llleave ' im two — jest two — for luck . ” He buttoned up his coat tightly , then turned to throw a last glance at Bessie . He had always disliked his father 'ssecond wife , and his sense of triumph was boundless . “ Oh ! yer not hurt , ” he said ; “ yer shammin . I advise yer to look sharp with shuttin 'up . Father 'llbe up the hill in two or three minutes now . Sorry I ca n't ' elp yer , now yer 'veset me up so comfortabul . Bye-bye ! ” He ran down the stairs . She , as her senses revived , heard him open the back-door , cross the little garden , and jump the hedge at the end of it . Then she lay absolutely motionless , till suddenly there struck on her ear the distant sound of heavy steps . They roused her like a goad . She dragged herself to her feet , shut the box , had just time to throw it into the cupboard and lock the door , when she heard her husband walk into the kitchen . She crept into her own room , threw herself on the bed , and wrapped her head and eyes in an old shawl , shivering so that the mattresses shook . “ Bessie , where are yer ? ” She did not answer . He made a sound of astonishment , and , finding , no candle , took the lamp and mounted the stairs . They were covered with traces of muddy snow , and at the top he stooped to examine a spot upon the boards . It was blood ; and his heart thumped in his breast . “ Bessie , whatever is the matter ? ” For by this time he had perceived her on the bed . He put down the lamp and came to the bedside to look at her . “ I 've' ad a fall , ” she said , faintly . “ I tripped up over my skirt as I wor comin ' up to look at Arthur . My head 'sall bleedin '. Get me some water from over there . ” His countenance fell sadly . But he got the water , exclaiming when he saw the wound . He bathed it clumsily , then tied a bit of rag round it , and made her head easy with the pillow . She did not speak , and he sat on beside her , looking at her pale face , and torn , as the silent minutes passed , between conflicting impulses . He had just passed an hour listening to a good man 'splain narrative of a life spent for Christ , amid fever-swamps , and human beings more deadly still . The vicar 'sfriend was a missionary bishop , and a High Churchman ; Isaac , as a staunch Dissenter by conviction and inheritance , thought ill both of bishops and Ritualists . Nevertheless he had been touched ; he had been fired . Deep , though often perplexed instincts in his own heart had responded to the spiritual passion of the speaker . The religious atmosphere had stolen ahout him , melting and subduing . And the first effect of it had been to quicken suddenly his domestic conscience ; to make him think painfully of Bessie and the children as he climbed the hill . Was his wife going the way of his son ? And he , sitting day after day like a dumb dog , instead of striving with her ! He made up his mind hurriedly . “ Bessie , ” he said , stooping to her and speaking in a strange voice , “ Bessie , had yer been to Dawson 's? ” Dawson was the landlord of the Spotted Deer . Bessie was long in answering . At last she said , almost inaudibly — “ Yes . ” She fully understood what he had meant by the question , and she wondered whether he would fall into one of his rages , and beat her . Instead , his hand sought clumsily for hers . “ Bessie , yer should n't ; yer must n't do it no more ; it 'llmake a bad woman of yer . I know as I 'mnot good to live with ; I do n't make things pleasant to yer ; but I 'vebeen thinkin '; I 'lltry if yo 'lltry . ” Bessie burst into tears . It seemed as though her life were breaking within her . Never since their early married days had he spoken to her like this . And she was in such piteous need of comfort ; of some strong hand to help her out of the black pit in which she lay . The wild impulse crossed her to sit up and tell him — to throw it all on Timothy , to show him the cupboard and the box . Should she tell him ; brave it all now that he was like this ? Between them they might find a way — make it good . Then the thought of the man in the public-house , of the half-crowns , a host of confused and guilty memories , swept upon her . How could she ever get herself out of it ? Her heart beat so that it seemed a live creature strangling and silencing her . She was still fighting with her tears and her terror when she heard Isaac say — “ I know yer 'lltry , and I 'llhelp yer . I 'llbe a better husband to yer , I swear I will . Give us a kiss , old woman . ” She turned her face , sobbing , and he kissed her cheek . Then she heard him say in another tone — “ An ' I got a bit o 'news down at the Club as will liven yer up . Parkinson was there ; just come over from Frampton to see his mother ; an ' he says John will be here to-morrer or next day . ' Ee seed him yesterday — pulled down dreadful — quite the old man , ' ee says . An ' John told him as he was comin ' 'ome directly to live comfortable . ” Bessie drew her shawl over her head . “ To-morrer , did yer say ? ” she asked in a whisper . “ Mos ' like . Now you go to sleep ; I 'llput out the lamp . ” But all night long Bessie lay wide awake in torment , her soul hardening within her , little by little . SCENE IV JUST before dark on the following day , a man descended from a down train at the Clinton Magna station . The porters knew him and greeted him ; so did one or two labourers outside , as he set off to walk to the village , which was about a mile distant . “ Well , John , so yer coom back , ” said one of them , an old man , grasping the newcomer by the hand . “ An ' I ca n't say as yer looks is any credit to Frampton — no , that aa ca n't . ” John , indeed , wore a sallow and pinched air , and walked lamely , with a stick . “ Noa , ” he said peevishly ; “ it 'sa beastly place is Frampton ; a damp , nassty hole as iver I saw — gives yer the rheumaticks to look at it . I 've' ad a doose of a time , I 'ave , I can tell yer — iver sense I went . But I 'llpull up now . ” “ Aye , this air 'lldo yer , ” said the other . “ Where are yer stoppin '? Costrells '? ” John nodded . “ They do n't know nothin ' about my cousin , but I dessay they 'llfind me somethin ' to sleep on . I 'll' ave my own place soon , and some one to look arter it . ” He drew himself up involuntarily , with the dignity that waits on property . A laugh , rather jeering than cordial , ran through the group of labourers . “ Aye , yer 'llbe livin 'at your ease , ” said the man who had spoken first . “ When will yo 'give us a drink , yer lardship ? ” The others grinned . “ Where 'syour money , John ? ” said a younger man suddenly , staring hard at the returned wanderer . John started . “ Do n't you talk your nonsense ! ” he said fretfully ; “ an ' I must be getting on , afore dark . ” He went his way , but as he turned a corner of the road , he saw them still standing where he had left them . They seemed to be watching his progress , which astonished him . A light of windy sunset lay spread over the white valley , and the freshening gusts drove the powdery snow before them , and sent little stabs of pain through John 'sshrinking body . Yet how glad he was to find himself again between those familiar hedges , to see the church-tower in front of him , the long hill to his right ! His heart swelled at once with longing and satisfaction . During his Frampton job , and in the infirmary , he had suffered much , physically and mentally . He had missed Eliza and the tendance of years more than he had ever imagined he could ; and he had found himself too old for new faces and a new society . When he fell ill he had been sorely tempted to send for some of his money , and get himself nursed and cared for at the respectable lodging where he had put up . But no ; in the end he set his teeth and went into the infirmary . He had planned not to touch his hoard till he had done with the Frampton job , and returned to Clinton for good . His peasant obstinacy could not endure to be beaten ; nor , indeed , could he bring himself to part with his keys , to trust the opening of the hoard even to Isaac . Since then he had passed through many weary weeks , sometimes of acute pain , sometimes of sinking weakness , during which he had been haunted by many secret torments , springing mainly from the fear of death . He had almost been driven to make his will . But in the end superstitious reluctance prevailed . He had not made his will ; and to dwell on the fact gave him the sensation of having escaped a bond , if not a danger . He did not want to leave his money behind him ; he wanted to spend it , as he had told Eliza and Mary Anne and Bessie scores of times . To have assigned it to any one else , even after his death , would have made it less his own . Ah , well ! those bad weeks were done , and here he was , at home again . Suddenly , as he tramped on , he caught sight against the hill of Bessie 'scottage , the blue smoke from it blown across the rime-laden trees behind it . He drew in his breath with a deep , tremulous delight . That buoyant self-congratulation indeed which had stood between him and the pain of Eliza 'sdeath was gone . Rather there was in him a profound yearning for rest , for long dreaming by the fire or in the sun , with his pipe to smoke , and Jim 'sLouisa to look after him , and nothing to do but to draw a half-crown from his box when he wanted it . No more hard work in rain and cold ; and no cringing , either , to the young and prosperous for the mere fault of age . The snowy valley with its circling woods opened to him like a mother 'sbreast ; the sight of it filled him with a hundred simple hopes and consolations ; he hurried to bury himself in it , and be at peace . He was within a hundred yards of the first house in the village , when he saw a tall figure in uniform approaching , and recognized Watson . At sight of him the policeman stopped short , and John was conscious of a moment 'svague impression of something strange in Watson 'slooks . However , Watson shook hands with great friendliness . “ Well , I 'mglad to see yer , John , I 'msure . An ' now , I spose , you 'reback for good ? ” “ Aye . I 'mnot going away no more . I 'vedone my share — I wants a bit o 'rest . ” “ Of coorse yer do . You 'vebeen ill , ' ave n't yer ? You look like it . An ' yer puttin 'up at Costrells '? ” “ Yes , till I can turn round a bit . ' Ave yer seen anythin 'ov 'em ? ' Ow 'sBessie ? ” Watson faced back towards the village . “ I 'llwalk with yer a bit — I 'min no 'urry . Oh , she 'sall right . You 'eard of her bit o 'money ?