Howards End Only connect by E . M . Forster Chapter 1 One may as well begin with Helen 'sletters to her sister . Howards End , Tuesday . Dearest Meg , It is n't going to be what we expected . It is old and little , and altogether delightful — red brick . We can scarcely pack in as it is , and the dear knows what will happen when Paul ( younger son ) arrives tomorrow . From hall you go right or left into dining-room or drawing-room . Hall itself is practically a room . You open another door in it , and there are the stairs going up in a sort of tunnel to the first-floor . Three bedrooms in a row there , and three attics in a row above . That is n't all the house really , but it 'sall that one notices — nine windows as you look up from the front garden . Then there 'sa very big wych-elm — to the left as you look up — leaning a little over the house , and standing on the boundary between the garden and meadow . I quite love that tree already . Also ordinary elms , oaks — no nastier than ordinary oaks — pear-trees , apple-trees , and a vine . No silver birches , though . However , I must get on to my host and hostess . I only wanted to show that it is n't the least what we expected . Why did we settle that their house would be all gables and wiggles , and their garden all gamboge-coloured paths ? I believe simply because we associate them with expensive hotels — Mrs. Wilcox trailing in beautiful dresses down long corridors , Mr. Wilcox bullying porters , etc. We females are that unjust . I shall be back Saturday ; will let you know train later . They are as angry as I am that you did not come too ; really Tibby is too tiresome , he starts a new mortal disease every month . How could he have got hay fever in London ? and even if he could , it seems hard that you should give up a visit to hear a schoolboy sneeze . Tell him that Charles Wilcox ( the son who is here ) has hay fever too , but he 'sbrave , and gets quite cross when we inquire after it . Men like the Wilcoxes would do Tibby a power of good . But you wo n't agree , and I 'dbetter change the subject . This long letter is because I 'mwriting before breakfast . Oh , the beautiful vine leaves ! The house is covered with a vine . I looked out earlier , and Mrs. Wilcox was already in the garden . She evidently loves it . No wonder she sometimes looks tired . She was watching the large red poppies come out . Then she walked off the lawn to the meadow , whose corner to the right I can just see . Trail , trail , went her long dress over the sopping grass , and she came back with her hands full of the hay that was cut yesterday — I suppose for rabbits or something , as she kept on smelling it . The air here is delicious . Later on I heard the noise of croquet balls , and looked out again , and it was Charles Wilcox practising ; they are keen on all games . Presently he started sneezing and had to stop . Then I hear more clicketing , and it is Mr. Wilcox practising , and then , ' a-tissue , a-tissue ': he has to stop too . Then Evie comes out , and does some calisthenic exercises on a machine that is tacked on to a greengage-tree — they put everything to use — and then she says 'a-tissue , ' and in she goes . And finally Mrs. Wilcox reappears , trail , trail , still smelling hay and looking at the flowers . I inflict all this on you because once you said that life is sometimes life and sometimes only a drama , and one must learn to distinguish t'other from which , and up to now I have always put that down as 'Meg 'sclever nonsense . ' But this morning , it really does seem not life but a play , and it did amuse me enormously to watch the W 's. Now Mrs. Wilcox has come in . I am going to wear [ omission ] . Last night Mrs. Wilcox wore an [ omission ] , and Evie [ omission ] . So it is n't exactly a go-as-you-please place , and if you shut your eyes it still seems the wiggly hotel that we expected . Not if you open them . The dog-roses are too sweet . There is a great hedge of them over the lawn — magnificently tall , so that they fall down in garlands , and nice and thin at the bottom , so that you can see ducks through it and a cow . These belong to the farm , which is the only house near us . There goes the breakfast gong . Much love . Modified love to Tibby . Love to Aunt Juley ; how good of her to come and keep you company , but what a bore . Burn this . Will write again Thursday . Helen Howards End , Friday . Dearest Meg , I am having a glorious time . I like them all . Mrs. Wilcox , if quieter than in Germany , is sweeter than ever , and I never saw anything like her steady unselfishness , and the best of it is that the others do not take advantage of her . They are the very happiest , jolliest family that you can imagine . I do really feel that we are making friends . The fun of it is that they think me a noodle , and say so — at least Mr. Wilcox does — and when that happens , and one does n't mind , it 'sa pretty sure test , is n't it ? He says the most horrid things about women 'ssuffrage so nicely , and when I said I believed in equality he just folded his arms and gave me such a setting down as I 'venever had . Meg , shall we ever learn to talk less ? I never felt so ashamed of myself in my life . I could n't point to a time when men had been equal , nor even to a time when the wish to be equal had made them happier in other ways . I could n't say a word . I had just picked up the notion that equality is good from some book — probably from poetry , or you . Anyhow , it 'sbeen knocked into pieces , and , like all people who are really strong , Mr. Wilcox did it without hurting me . On the other hand , I laugh at them for catching hay fever . We live like fighting-cocks , and Charles takes us out every day in the motor — a tomb with trees in it , a hermit 'shouse , a wonderful road that was made by the Kings of Mercia — tennis — a cricket match — bridge — and at night we squeeze up in this lovely house . The whole clan 'shere now — it 'slike a rabbit warren . Evie is a dear . They want me to stop over Sunday — I suppose it wo n't matter if I do . Marvellous weather and the view 'smarvellous — views westward to the high ground . Thank you for your letter . Burn this . Your affectionate Helen Howards End , Sunday . Dearest , dearest Meg , — I do not know what you will say : Paul and I are in love — the younger son who only came here Wednesday . Chapter 2 Margaret glanced at her sister 'snote and pushed it over the breakfast-table to her aunt . There was a moment 'shush , and then the flood-gates opened . " I can tell you nothing , Aunt Juley . I know no more than you do . We met — we only met the father and mother abroad last spring . I know so little that I did n't even know their son 'sname . It 'sall so — " She waved her hand and laughed a little . " In that case it is far too sudden . " " Who knows , Aunt Juley , who knows ? " " But , Margaret dear , I mean we must n't be unpractical now that we 'vecome to facts . It is too sudden , surely . " " Who knows ! " " But Margaret dear — " " I 'llgo for her other letters , " said Margaret . " No , I wo n't , I 'llfinish my breakfast . In fact , I have n't them . We met the Wilcoxes on an awful expedition that we made from Heidelberg to Speyer . Helen and I had got it into our heads that there was a grand old cathedral at Speyer — the Archbishop of Speyer was one of the seven electors — you know — ' Speyer , Maintz , and Köln . ' Those three sees once commanded the Rhine Valley and got it the name of Priest Street . " " I still feel quite uneasy about this business , Margaret . " " The train crossed by a bridge of boats , and at first sight it looked quite fine . But oh , in five minutes we had seen the whole thing . The cathedral had been ruined , absolutely ruined , by restoration ; not an inch left of the original structure . We wasted a whole day , and came across the Wilcoxes as we were eating our sandwiches in the public gardens . They too , poor things , had been taken in — they were actually stopping at Speyer — and they rather liked Helen insisting that they must fly with us to Heidelberg . As a matter of fact , they did come on next day . We all took some drives together . They knew us well enough to ask Helen to come and see them — at least , I was asked too , but Tibby 'sillness prevented me , so last Monday she went alone . That 'sall . You know as much as I do now . It 'sa young man out the unknown . She was to have come back Saturday , but put off till Monday , perhaps on account of — I do n't know . She broke off , and listened to the sounds of a London morning . Their house was in Wickham Place , and fairly quiet , for a lofty promontory of buildings separated it from the main thoroughfare . One had the sense of a backwater , or rather of an estuary , whose waters flowed in from the invisible sea , and ebbed into a profound silence while the waves without were still beating . Though the promontory consisted of flats — expensive , with cavernous entrance halls , full of concierges and palms — it fulfilled its purpose , and gained for the older houses opposite a certain measure of peace . These , too , would be swept away in time , and another promontory would rise upon their site , as humanity piled itself higher and higher on the precious soil of London . Mrs. Munt had her own method of interpreting her nieces . She decided that Margaret was a little hysterical , and was trying to gain time by a torrent of talk . Feeling very diplomatic , she lamented the fate of Speyer , and declared that never , never should she be so misguided as to visit it , and added of her own accord that the principles of restoration were ill understood in Germany . " The Germans , " she said , " are too thorough , and this is all very well sometimes , but at other times it does not do . " " Exactly , " said Margaret ; " Germans are too thorough . " And her eyes began to shine . " Of course I regard you Schlegels as English , " said Mrs. Munt hastily — " English to the backbone . " Margaret leaned forward and stroked her hand . " And that reminds me — Helen 'sletter — " " Oh , yes , Aunt Juley , I am thinking all right about Helen 'sletter . I know — I must go down and see her . I am thinking about her all right . I am meaning to go down " " But go with some plan , " said Mrs. Munt , admitting into her kindly voice a note of exasperation . " Margaret , if I may interfere , do n't be taken by surprise . What do you think of the Wilcoxes ? Are they our sort ? Are they likely people ? Could they appreciate Helen , who is to my mind a very special sort of person ? Do they care about Literature and Art ? That is most important when you come to think of it . Literature and Art . Most important . How old would the son be ? She says ' younger son . ' Would he be in a position to marry ? Is he likely to make Helen happy ? Did you gather — " " I gathered nothing . " They began to talk at once . " Then in that case — " " In that case I can make no plans , do n't you see . " " On the contrary — " " I hate plans . I hate lines of action . Helen is n't a baby . " " Then in that case , my dear , why go down ? " Margaret was silent . If her aunt could not see why she must go down , she was not going to tell her . She was not going to say " I love my dear sister ; I must be near her at this crisis of her life . " The affections are more reticent than the passions , and their expression more subtle . If she herself should ever fall in love with a man , she , like Helen , would proclaim it from the house-tops , but as she only loved a sister she used the voiceless language of sympathy . " I consider you odd girls , " continued Mrs. Munt , " and very wonderful girls , and in many ways far older than your years . But — you wo n't be offended ? — frankly I feel you are not up to this business . It requires an older person . Dear , I have nothing to call me back to Swanage . " She spread out her plump arms . " I am all at your disposal . Let me go down to this house whose name I forget instead of you . " " Aunt Juley " — she jumped up and kissed her — " I must , must go to Howards End myself . You do n't exactly understand , though I can never thank you properly for offering . " " I do understand , " retorted Mrs. Munt , with immense confidence . " I go down in no spirit of interference , but to make inquiries . Inquiries are necessary . Now , I am going to be rude . You would say the wrong thing ; to a certainty you would . In your anxiety for Helen 'shappiness you would offend the whole of these Wilcoxes by asking one of your impetuous questions — not that one minds offending them . " " I shall ask no questions . I have it in Helen 'swriting that she and a man are in love . There is no question to ask as long as she keeps to that . All the rest is n't worth a straw . A long engagement if you like , but inquiries , questions , plans , lines of action — no , Aunt Juley , no. " Away she hurried , not beautiful , not supremely brilliant , but filled with something that took the place of both qualities — something best described as a profound vivacity , a continual and sincere response to all that she encountered in her path through life . " If Helen had written the same to me about a shop-assistant or a penniless clerk — " " Dear Margaret , do come into the library and shut the door . Your good maids are dusting the banisters . " " — or if she had wanted to marry the man who calls for Carter Paterson , I should have said the same . " Then , with one of those turns that convinced her aunt that she was not mad really and convinced observers of another type that she was not a barren theorist , she added : " Though in the case of Carter Paterson I should want it to be a very long engagement indeed , I must say . " " I should think so , " said Mrs. Munt ; " and , indeed , I can scarcely follow you . Now , just imagine if you said anything of that sort to the Wilcoxes . I understand it , but most good people would think you mad . Imagine how disconcerting for Helen ! What is wanted is a person who will go slowly , slowly in this business , and see how things are and where they are likely to lead to . " Margaret was down on this . " But you implied just now that the engagement must be broken off . " " I think probably it must ; but slowly . " " Can you break an engagement off slowly ? " Her eyes lit up . " What 'san engagement made of , do you suppose ? I think it 'smade of some hard stuff , that may snap , but ca n't break . It is different to the other ties of life . They stretch or bend . They admit of degree . They 'redifferent . " " Exactly so . But wo n't you let me just run down to Howards House , and save you all the discomfort ? I will really not interfere , but I do so thoroughly understand the kind of thing you Schlegels want that one quiet look round will be enough for me . " Margaret again thanked her , again kissed her , and then ran upstairs to see her brother . He was not so well . The hay fever had worried him a good deal all night . His head ached , his eyes were wet , his mucous membrane , he informed her , was in a most unsatisfactory condition . The only thing that made life worth living was the thought of Walter Savage Landor , from whose Imaginary Conversations she had promised to read at frequent intervals during the day . It was rather difficult . Something must be done about Helen . She must be assured that it is not a criminal offence to love at first sight . A telegram to this effect would be cold and cryptic , a personal visit seemed each moment more impossible . Now the doctor arrived , and said that Tibby was quite bad . Might it really be best to accept Aunt Juley 'skind offer , and to send her down to Howards End with a note ? Certainly Margaret was impulsive . She did swing rapidly from one decision to another . Running downstairs into the library , she cried — " Yes , I have changed my mind ; I do wish that you would go . " There was a train from King 'sCross at eleven . At half-past ten Tibby , with rare self-effacement , fell asleep , and Margaret was able to drive her aunt to the station . " You will remember , Aunt Juley , not to be drawn into discussing the engagement . Give my letter to Helen , and say whatever you feel yourself , but do keep clear of the relatives . We have scarcely got their names straight yet , and besides , that sort of thing is so uncivilized and wrong . " So uncivilized ? " queried Mrs. Munt , fearing that she was losing the point of some brilliant remark . " Oh , I used an affected word . I only meant would you please only talk the thing over with Helen . " " Only with Helen . " " Because — " But it was no moment to expound the personal nature of love . Even Margaret shrank from it , and contented herself with stroking her good aunt 'shand , and with meditating , half sensibly and half poetically , on the journey that was about to begin from King 'sCross . Like many others who have lived long in a great capital , she had strong feelings about the various railway termini . They are our gates to the glorious and the unknown . Through them we pass out into adventure and sunshine , to them alas ! we return . In Paddington all Cornwall is latent and the remoter west ; down the inclines of Liverpool Street lie fenlands and the illimitable Broads ; Scotland is through the pylons of Euston ; Wessex behind the poised chaos of Waterloo . Italians realize this , as is natural ; those of them who are so unfortunate as to serve as waiters in Berlin call the Anhalt Bahnhof the Stazione d'Italia , because by it they must return to their homes . And he is a chilly Londoner who does not endow his stations with some personality , and extend to them , however shyly , the emotions of fear and love . To Margaret — I hope that it will not set the reader against her — the station of King 'sCross had always suggested Infinity . Its very situation — withdrawn a little behind the facile splendours of St. Pancras — implied a comment on the materialism of life . Those two great arches , colourless , indifferent , shouldering between them an unlovely clock , were fit portals for some eternal adventure , whose issue might be prosperous , but would certainly not be expressed in the ordinary language of prosperity . If you think this ridiculous , remember that it is not Margaret who is telling you about it ; and let me hasten to add that they were in plenty of time for the train ; that Mrs. Munt , though she took a second-class ticket , was put by the guard into a first ( only two seconds on the train , one smoking and the other babies — one cannot be expected to travel with babies ) ; and that Margaret , on her return to Wickham Place , was confronted with the following telegram : All over . Wish I had never written . Tell no one . — Helen But Aunt Juley was gone — gone irrevocably , and no power on earth could stop her . Chapter 3 Most complacently did Mrs. Munt rehearse her mission . Her nieces were independent young women , and it was not often that she was able to help them . Emily 'sdaughters had never been quite like other girls . They had been left motherless when Tibby was born , when Helen was five and Margaret herself but thirteen . It was before the passing of the Deceased Wife 'sSister Bill , so Mrs. Munt could without impropriety offer to go and keep house at Wickham Place . But her brother-in-law , who was peculiar and a German , had referred the question to Margaret , who with the crudity of youth had answered , " No , they could manage much better alone . " Five years later Mr. Schlegel had died too , and Mrs. Munt had repeated her offer . Margaret , crude no longer , had been grateful and extremely nice , but the substance of her answer had been the same . " I must not interfere a third time , " thought Mrs. Munt . However , of course she did . She learnt , to her horror , that Margaret , now of age , was taking her money out of the old safe investments and putting it into Foreign Things , which always smash . Silence would have been criminal . Her own fortune was invested in Home Rails , and most ardently did she beg her niece to imitate her . " Then we should be together , dear . " Margaret , out of politeness , invested a few hundreds in the Nottingham and Derby Railway , and though the Foreign Things did admirably and the Nottingham and Derby declined with the steady dignity of which only Home Rails are capable , Mrs. Munt never ceased to rejoice , and to say , " I did manage that , at all events . When the smash comes poor Margaret will have a nest-egg to fall back upon . " This year Helen came of age , and exactly the same thing happened in Helen 'scase ; she also would shift her money out of Consols , but she , too , almost without being pressed , consecrated a fraction of it to the Nottingham and Derby Railway . So far so good , but in social matters their aunt had accomplished nothing . Sooner or later the girls would enter on the process known as throwing themselves away , and if they had delayed hitherto , it was only that they might throw themselves more vehemently in the future . They saw too many people at Wickham Place — unshaven musicians , an actress even , German cousins ( one knows what foreigners are ) , acquaintances picked up at Continental hotels ( one knows what they are too ) . It was interesting , and down at Swanage no one appreciated culture more than Mrs. Munt ; but it was dangerous , and disaster was bound to come . How right she was , and how lucky to be on the spot when the disaster came ! The train sped northward , under innumerable tunnels . It was only an hour 'sjourney , but Mrs. Munt had to raise and lower the window again and again . She passed through the South Welwyn Tunnel , saw light for a moment , and entered the North Welwyn Tunnel , of tragic fame . She traversed the immense viaduct , whose arches span untroubled meadows and the dreamy flow of Tewin Water . She skirted the parks of politicians . At times the Great North Road accompanied her , more suggestive of infinity than any railway , awakening , after a nap of a hundred years , to such life as is conferred by the stench of motor-cars , and to such culture as is implied by the advertisements of antibilious pills . To history , to tragedy , to the past , to the future , Mrs. Munt remained equally indifferent ; hers but to concentrate on the end of her journey , and to rescue poor Helen from this dreadful mess . The station for Howards End was at Hilton , one of the large villages that are strung so frequently along the North Road , and that owe their size to the traffic of coaching and pre-coaching days . Being near London , it had not shared in the rural decay , and its long High Street had budded out right and left into residential estates . For about a mile a series of tiled and slated houses passed before Mrs. Munt 'sinattentive eyes , a series broken at one point by six Danish tumuli that stood shoulder to shoulder along the highroad , tombs of soldiers . Beyond these tumuli habitations thickened , and the train came to a standstill in a tangle that was almost a town . The station , like the scenery , like Helen 'sletters , struck an indeterminate note . Into which country will it lead , England or Suburbia ? It was new , it had island platforms and a subway , and the superficial comfort exacted by business men . But it held hints of local life , personal intercourse , as even Mrs. Munt was to discover . " I want a house , " she confided to the ticket boy . " Its name is Howards Lodge . Do you know where it is ? " " Mr. Wilcox ! " the boy called . A young man in front of them turned round . " She 'swanting Howards End . " There was nothing for it but to go forward , though Mrs. Munt was too much agitated even to stare at the stranger . But remembering that there were two brothers , she had the sense to say to him , " Excuse me asking , but are you the younger Mr. Wilcox or the elder ? " " The younger . Can I do anything for you ? " " Oh , well " — she controlled herself with difficulty . " Really . Are you ? I — " She moved away from the ticket boy and lowered her voice . " I am Miss Schlegels aunt . I ought to introduce myself , ought n't I ? My name is Mrs. Munt . " She was conscious that he raised his cap and said quite coolly , " Oh , rather ; Miss Schlegel is stopping with us . Did you want to see her ? " " Possibly — " " I 'llcall you a cab . No ; wait a mo — " He thought . " Our motor 'shere . I 'llrun you up in it . " " That is very kind — " " Not at all , if you 'lljust wait till they bring out a parcel from the office . This way . " " My niece is not with you by any chance ? " " No ; I came over with my father . He has gone on north in your train . You 'llsee Miss Schlegel at lunch . You 'recoming up to lunch , I hope ? " " I should like to come up , " said Mrs. Munt , not committing herself to nourishment until she had studied Helen 'slover a little more . He seemed a gentleman , but had so rattled her round that her powers of observation were numbed . She glanced at him stealthily . To a feminine eye there was nothing amiss in the sharp depressions at the corners of his mouth , nor in the rather box-like construction of his forehead . He was dark , clean-shaven and seemed accustomed to command . " In front or behind ? Which do you prefer ? It may be windy in front . " " In front if I may ; then we can talk . " " But excuse me one moment — I ca n't think what they 'redoing with that parcel . " He strode into the booking-office and called with a new voice : " Hi ! hi , you there ! Are you going to keep me waiting all day ? Parcel for Wilcox , Howards End . Just look sharp ! " Emerging , he said in quieter tones : " This station 'sabominably organized ; if I had my way , the whole lot of ' em should get the sack . May I help you in ? " " This is very good of you , " said Mrs. Munt , as she settled herself into a luxurious cavern of red leather , and suffered her person to be padded with rugs and shawls . She was more civil than she had intended , but really this young man was very kind . Moreover , she was a little afraid of him : his self-possession was extraordinary . " Very good indeed , " she repeated , adding : " It is just what I should have wished . " " Very good of you to say so , " he replied , with a slight look of surprise , which , like most slight looks , escaped Mrs. Munt 'sattention . " I was just tooling my father over to catch the down train . " " You see , we heard from Helen this morning . " Young Wilcox was pouring in petrol , starting his engine , and performing other actions with which this story has no concern . The great car began to rock , and the form of Mrs. Munt , trying to explain things , sprang agreeably up and down among the red cushions . " The mater will be very glad to see you , " he mumbled . " Hi ! I say . Parcel for Howards End . Bring it out . Hi ! " A bearded porter emerged with the parcel in one hand and an entry book in the other . With the gathering whir of the motor these ejaculations mingled : " Sign , must I ? Why the — should I sign after all this bother ? Not even got a pencil on you ? Remember next time I report you to the station-master . My time 'sof value , though yours may n't be . Here " — here being a tip . " Extremely sorry , Mrs. Munt . " " Not at all , Mr. Wilcox . " " And do you object to going through the village ? It is rather a longer spin , but I have one or two commissions . " " I should love going through the village . Naturally I am very anxious to talk things over with you . " As she said this she felt ashamed , for she was disobeying Margaret 'sinstructions . Only disobeying them in the letter , surely . Margaret had only warned her against discussing the incident with outsiders . Surely it was not " uncivilized or wrong " to discuss it with the young man himself , since chance had thrown them together . A reticent fellow , he made no reply . Mounting by her side , he put on gloves and spectacles , and off they drove , the bearded porter — life is a mysterious business — looking after them with admiration . The wind was in their faces down the station road , blowing the dust into Mrs. Munt 'seyes . But as soon as they turned into the Great North Road she opened fire . " You can well imagine , " she said , " that the news was a great shock to us . " " What news ? " " Mr. Wilcox , " she said frankly . " Margaret has told me everything — everything . I have seen Helen 'sletter . " He could not look her in the face , as his eyes were fixed on his work ; he was travelling as quickly as he dared down the High Street . But he inclined his head in her direction , and said , " I beg your pardon ; I did n't catch . " " About Helen . Helen , of course . Helen is a very exceptional person — I am sure you will let me say this , feeling towards her as you do — indeed , all the Schlegels are exceptional . I come in no spirit of interference , but it was a great shock . " They drew up opposite a draper 's. Without replying , he turned round in his seat , and contemplated the cloud of dust that they had raised in their passage through the village . It was settling again , but not all into the road from which he had taken it . Some of it had percolated through the open windows , some had whitened the roses and gooseberries of the wayside gardens , while a certain proportion had entered the lungs of the villagers . " I wonder when they 'lllearn wisdom and tar the roads , " was his comment . Then a man ran out of the draper 'swith a roll of oilcloth , and off they went again . " Margaret could not come herself , on account of poor Tibby , so I am here to represent her and to have a good talk . " " I 'msorry to be so dense , " said the young man , again drawing up outside a shop . " But I still have n't quite understood . " " Helen , Mr. Wilcox — my niece and you . " He pushed up his goggles and gazed at her , absolutely bewildered . Horror smote her to the heart , for even she began to suspect that they were at cross-purposes , and that she had commenced her mission by some hideous blunder . " Miss Schlegel and myself . " he asked , compressing his lips . " I trust there has been no misunderstanding , " quavered Mrs. Munt . " Her letter certainly read that way . " " What way ? " " That you and she — " She paused , then drooped her eyelids . " I think I catch your meaning , " he said stickily . " What an extraordinary mistake ! " " Then you did n't the least — " she stammered , getting blood-red in the face , and wishing she had never been born . " Scarcely , as I am already engaged to another lady . " There was a moment 'ssilence , and then he caught his breath and exploded with , " Oh , good God ! Do n't tell me it 'ssome silliness of Paul 's. " " But you are Paul . " " I 'mnot . " " Then why did you say so at the station ? " " I said nothing of the sort . " " I beg your pardon , you did . " " I beg your pardon , I did not . My name is Charles . " " Younger " may mean son as opposed to father , or second brother as opposed to first . There is much to be said for either view , and later on they said it . But they had other questions before them now . " Do you mean to tell me that Paul — " But she did not like his voice . He sounded as if he was talking to a porter , and , certain that he had deceived her at the station , she too grew angry . " Do you mean to tell me that Paul and your niece — " Mrs. Munt — such is human nature — determined that she would champion the lovers . She was not going to be bullied by a severe young man . " Yes , they care for one another very much indeed , " she said . " I dare say they will tell you about it by-and-by . We heard this morning . " And Charles clenched his fist and cried , " The idiot , the idiot , the little fool ! " Mrs. Munt tried to divest herself of her rugs . " If that is your attitude , Mr. Wilcox , I prefer to walk . " " I beg you will do no such thing . I 'lltake you up this moment to the house . Let me tell you the thing 'simpossible , and must be stopped . " Mrs. Munt did not often lose her temper , and when she did it was only to protect those whom she loved . On this occasion she blazed out . " I quite agree , sir . The thing is impossible , and I will come up and stop it . My niece is a very exceptional person , and I am not inclined to sit still while she throws herself away on those who will not appreciate her . " Charles worked his jaws . " Considering she has only known your brother since Wednesday , and only met your father and mother at a stray hotel — " " Could you possibly lower your voice ? The shopman will overhear . " " Esprit de classe " — if one may coin the phrase — was strong in Mrs. Munt . She sat quivering while a member of the lower orders deposited a metal funnel , a saucepan , and a garden squirt beside the roll of oilcloth . " Right behind ? " " Yes , sir . " And the lower orders vanished in a cloud of dust . " I warn you : Paul has n't a penny ; it 'suseless . " " No need to warn us , Mr. Wilcox , I assure you . The warning is all the other way . My niece has been very foolish , and I shall give her a good scolding and take her back to London with me . " " He has to make his way out in Nigeria . He could n't think of marrying for years and when he does it must be a woman who can stand the climate , and is in other ways — Why has n't he told us ? Of course he 'sashamed . He knows he 'sbeen a fool . And so he has — a damned fool . " She grew furious . " Whereas Miss Schlegel has lost no time in publishing the news . " " If I were a man , Mr. Wilcox , for that last remark I 'dbox your ears . You 'renot fit to clean my niece 'sboots , to sit in the same room with her , and you dare — you actually dare — I decline to argue with such a person . " " All I know is , she 'sspread the thing and he has n't , and my father 'saway and I — " " And all that I know is — " " Might I finish my sentence , please ? " " No. " Charles clenched his teeth and sent the motor swerving all over the lane . She screamed . So they played the game of Capping Families , a round of which is always played when love would unite two members of our race . But they played it with unusual vigour , stating in so many words that Schlegels were better than Wilcoxes , Wilcoxes better than Schlegels . They flung decency aside . The man was young , the woman deeply stirred ; in both a vein of coarseness was latent . Their quarrel was no more surprising than are most quarrels — inevitable at the time , incredible afterwards . But it was more than usually futile . A few minutes , and they were enlightened . The motor drew up at Howards End , and Helen , looking very pale , ran out to meet her aunt . " Aunt Juley , I have just had a telegram from Margaret ; I — I meant to stop your coming . It is n't — it 'sover . " The climax was too much for Mrs. Munt . She burst into tears . " Aunt Juley dear , do n't . Do n't let them know I 'vebeen so silly . It was n't anything . Do bear up for my sake . " " Paul , " cried Charles Wilcox , pulling his gloves off . " Do n't let them know . They are never to know . " " Oh , my darling Helen — " " Paul ! Paul ! " A very young man came out of the house . " Paul , is there any truth in this ? " " I did n't — I do n't — " " Yes or no , man ; plain question , plain answer . Did or did n't Miss Schlegel — " " Charles dear , " said a voice from the garden . " Charles , dear Charles , one does n't ask plain questions . There are n't such things . " They were all silent . It was Mrs. Wilcox . She approached just as Helen 'sletter had described her , trailing noiselessly over the lawn , and there was actually a wisp of hay in her hands . She seemed to belong not to the young people and their motor , but to the house , and to the tree that overshadowed it . One knew that she worshipped the past , and that the instinctive wisdom the past can alone bestow had descended upon her — that wisdom to which we give the clumsy name of aristocracy . High born she might not be . But assuredly she cared about her ancestors , and let them help her . When she saw Charles angry , Paul frightened , and Mrs. Munt in tears , she heard her ancestors say , " Separate those human beings who will hurt each other most . The rest can wait . " So she did not ask questions . Still less did she pretend that nothing had happened , as a competent society hostess would have done . She said , " Miss Schlegel , would you take your aunt up to your room or to my room , whichever you think best . Paul , do find Evie , and tell her lunch for six , but I 'mnot sure whether we shall all be downstairs for it . " And when they had obeyed her , she turned to her elder son , who still stood in the throbbing stinking car , and smiled at him with tenderness , and without a word , turned away from him towards her flowers . " Mother , " he called , " are you aware that Paul has been playing the fool again ? " " It 'sall right , dear . They have broken off the engagement . " " Engagement — ! " " They do not love any longer , if you prefer it put that way , " said Mrs. Wilcox , stooping down to smell a rose . Chapter 4 Helen and her aunt returned to Wickham Place in a state of collapse , and for a little time Margaret had three invalids on her hands . Mrs. Munt soon recovered . She possessed to a remarkable degree the power of distorting the past , and before many days were over she had forgotten the part played by her own imprudence in the catastrophe . Even at the crisis she had cried , " Thank goodness , poor Margaret is saved this ! " which during the journey to London evolved into , " It had to be gone through by someone , " which in its turn ripened into the permanent form of " The one time I really did help Emily 'sgirls was over the Wilcox business . " But Helen was a more serious patient . New ideas had burst upon her like a thunder clap , and by them and by her reverberations she had been stunned . The truth was that she had fallen in love , not with an individual , but with a family . Before Paul arrived she had , as it were , been tuned up into his key . The energy of the Wilcoxes had fascinated her , had created new images of beauty in her responsive mind . To be all day with them in the open air , to sleep at night under their roof , had seemed the supreme joy of life , and had led to that abandonment of personality that is a possible prelude to love . She had liked giving in to Mr. Wilcox , or Evie , or Charles ; she had liked being told that her notions of life were sheltered or academic ; that Equality was nonsense , Votes for Women nonsense , Socialism nonsense , Art and Literature , except when conducive to strengthening the character , nonsense . One by one the Schlegel fetiches had been overthrown , and , though professing to defend them , she had rejoiced . When Mr. Wilcox said that one sound man of business did more good to the world than a dozen of your social reformers , she had swallowed the curious assertion without a gasp , and had leant back luxuriously among the cushions of his motor-car . When Charles said , " Why be so polite to servants ? they do n't understand it , " she had not given the Schlegel retort of , " If they do n't understand it , I do . " No ; she had vowed to be less polite to servants in the future . " I am swathed in cant , " she thought , " and it is good for me to be stripped of it . " And all that she thought or did or breathed was a quiet preparation for Paul . Paul was inevitable . Charles was taken up with another girl , Mr. Wilcox was so old , Evie so young , Mrs. Wilcox so different . Round the absent brother she began to throw the halo of Romance , to irradiate him with all the splendour of those happy days , to feel that in him she should draw nearest to the robust ideal . He and she were about the same age , Evie said . Most people thought Paul handsomer than his brother . He was certainly a better shot , though not so good at golf . And when Paul appeared , flushed with the triumph of getting through an examination , and ready to flirt with any pretty girl , Helen met him halfway , or more than halfway , and turned towards him on the Sunday evening . He had been talking of his approaching exile in Nigeria , and he should have continued to talk of it , and allowed their guest to recover . But the heave of her bosom flattered him . Passion was possible , and he became passionate . Deep down in him something whispered , " This girl would let you kiss her ; you might not have such a chance again . " That was " how it happened , " or , rather , how Helen described it to her sister , using words even more unsympathetic than my own . But the poetry of that kiss , the wonder of it , the magic that there was in life for hours after it — who can describe that ? It is so easy for an Englishman to sneer at these chance collisions of human beings . To the insular cynic and the insular moralist they offer an equal opportunity . It is so easy to talk of " passing emotion , " and how to forget how vivid the emotion was ere it passed . Our impulse to sneer , to forget , is at root a good one . We recognize that emotion is not enough , and that men and women are personalities capable of sustained relations , not mere opportunities for an electrical discharge . Yet we rate the impulse too highly . We do not admit that by collisions of this trivial sort the doors of heaven may be shaken open . To Helen , at all events , her life was to bring nothing more intense than the embrace of this boy who played no part in it . He had drawn her out of the house , where there was danger of surprise and light ; he had led her by a path he knew , until they stood under the column of the vast wych-elm . A man in the darkness , he had whispered " I love you " when she was desiring love . In time his slender personality faded , the scene that he had evoked endured . In all the variable years that followed she never saw the like of it again . " I understand , " said Margaret — " at least , I understand as much as ever is understood of these things . Tell me now what happened on the Monday morning . " " It was over at once . " " How , Helen ? " " I was still happy while I dressed , but as I came downstairs I got nervous , and when I went into the dining-room I knew it was no good . There was Evie — I ca n't explain — managing the tea-urn , and Mr. Wilcox reading the Times . " " Was Paul there ? " " Yes ; and Charles was talking to him about Stocks and Shares , and he looked frightened . " By slight indications the sisters could convey much to each other . Margaret saw horror latent in the scene , and Helen 'snext remark did not surprise her . " Somehow , when that kind of man looks frightened it is too awful . It is all right for us to be frightened , or for men of another sort — father , for instance ; but for men like that ! When I saw all the others so placid , and Paul mad with terror in case I said the wrong thing , I felt for a moment that the whole Wilcox family was a fraud , just a wall of newspapers and motor-cars and golf-clubs , and that if it fell I should find nothing behind it but panic and emptiness . " " I do n't think that . The Wilcoxes struck me as being genuine people , particularly the wife . " " No , I do n't really think that . But Paul was so broad-shouldered ; all kinds of extraordinary things made it worse , and I knew that it would never do — never . I said to him after breakfast , when the others were practising strokes , ' We rather lost our heads , ' and he looked better at once , though frightfully ashamed . He began a speech about having no money to marry on , but it hurt him to make it , and I — stopped him . Then he said , ' I must beg your pardon over this , Miss Schlegel ; I ca n't think what came over me last night . ' And I said , ' Nor what over me ; never mind . ' And then we parted — at least , until I remembered that I had written straight off to tell you the night before , and that frightened him again . I asked him to send a telegram for me , for he knew you would be coming or something ; and he tried to get hold of the motor , but Charles and Mr. Wilcox wanted it to go to the station ; and Charles offered to send the telegram for me , and then I had to say that the telegram was of no consequence , for Paul said Charles might read it , and though I wrote it out several times , he always said people would suspect something . He took it himself at last , pretending that he must walk down to get cartridges , and , what with one thing and the other , it was not handed in at the Post Office until too late . It was the most terrible morning . Paul disliked me more and more , and Evie talked cricket averages till I nearly screamed . I cannot think how I stood her all the other days . At last Charles and his father started for the station , and then came your telegram warning me that Aunt Juley was coming by that train , and Paul — oh , rather horrible — said that I had muddled it . But Mrs. Wilcox knew . " " Knew what ? " " Everything ; though we neither of us told her a word , and had known all along , I think . " " Oh , she must have overheard you . " " I suppose so , but it seemed wonderful . When Charles and Aunt Juley drove up , calling each other names , Mrs. Wilcox stepped in from the garden and made everything less terrible . Ugh ! but it has been a disgusting business . To think that — " She sighed . " To think that because you and a young man meet for a moment , there must be all these telegrams and anger , " supplied Margaret . Helen nodded . " I 'veoften thought about it , Helen . It 'sone of the most interesting things in the world . The truth is that there is a great outer life that you and I have never touched — a life in which telegrams and anger count . Personal relations , that we think supreme , are not supreme there . There love means marriage settlements , death , death duties . So far I 'mclear . But here my difficulty . This outer life , though obviously horrid , often seems the real one — there 'sgrit in it . It does breed character . Do personal relations lead to sloppiness in the end ? " " Oh , Meg , that 'swhat I felt , only not so clearly , when the Wilcoxes were so competent , and seemed to have their hands on all the ropes . " " Do n't you feel it now ? " " I remember Paul at breakfast , " said Helen quietly . " I shall never forget him . He had nothing to fall back upon . I know that personal relations are the real life , for ever and ever . " Amen ! " So the Wilcox episode fell into the background , leaving behind it memories of sweetness and horror that mingled , and the sisters pursued the life that Helen had commended . They talked to each other and to other people , they filled the tall thin house at Wickham Place with those whom they liked or could befriend . They even attended public meetings . In their own fashion they cared deeply about politics , though not as politicians would have us care ; they desired that public life should mirror whatever is good in the life within . Temperance , tolerance , and sexual equality were intelligible cries to them ; whereas they did not follow our Forward Policy in Thibet with the keen attention that it merits , and would at times dismiss the whole British Empire with a puzzled , if reverent , sigh . Not out of them are the shows of history erected : the world would be a grey , bloodless place were it entirely composed of Miss Schlegels . But the world being what it is , perhaps they shine out in it like stars . A word on their origin . They were not " English to the backbone , " as their aunt had piously asserted . But , on the other band , they were not " Germans of the dreadful sort . " Their father had belonged to a type that was more prominent in Germany fifty years ago than now . He was not the aggressive German , so dear to the English journalist , nor the domestic German , so dear to the English wit . If one classed him at all it would be as the countryman of Hegel and Kant , as the idealist , inclined to be dreamy , whose Imperialism was the Imperialism of the air . Not that his life had been inactive . He had fought like blazes against Denmark , Austria , France . But he had fought without visualizing the results of victory . A hint of the truth broke on him after Sedan , when he saw the dyed moustaches of Napoleon going grey ; another when he entered Paris , and saw the smashed windows of the Tuileries . Peace came — it was all very immense , one had turned into an Empire — but he knew that some quality had vanished for which not all Alsace-Lorraine could compensate him . Germany a commercial Power , Germany a naval Power , Germany with colonies here and a Forward Policy there , and legitimate aspirations in the other place , might appeal to others , and be fitly served by them ; for his own part , he abstained from the fruits of victory , and naturalized himself in England . The more earnest members of his family never forgave him , and knew that his children , though scarcely English of the dreadful sort , would never be German to the backbone . He had obtained work in one of our provincial Universities , and there married Poor Emily ( or Die Engländerin as the case may be ) , and as she had money , they proceeded to London , and came to know a good many people . But his gaze was always fixed beyond the sea . It was his hope that the clouds of materialism obscuring the Fatherland would part in time , and the mild intellectual light re-emerge . " Do you imply that we Germans are stupid , Uncle Ernst ? " exclaimed a haughty and magnificent nephew . Uncle Ernst replied , " To my mind . You use the intellect , but you no longer care about it . That I call stupidity . " As the haughty nephew did not follow , he continued , " You only care about the ' things that you can use , and therefore arrange them in the following order : Money , supremely useful ; intellect , rather useful ; imagination , of no use at all . No " — for the other had protested — " your Pan-Germanism is no more imaginative than is our Imperialism over here . It is the vice of a vulgar mind to be thrilled by bigness , to think that a thousand square miles are a thousand times more wonderful than one square mile , and that a million square miles are almost the same as heaven . That is not imagination . No , it kills it . When their poets over here try to celebrate bigness they are dead at once , and naturally . Your poets too are dying , your philosophers , your musicians , to whom Europe has listened for two hundred years . Gone . Gone with the little courts that nurtured them — gone with Esterhaz and Weimar . What ? What 'sthat ? Your Universities ? Oh , yes , you have learned men , who collect more facts than do the learned men of England . They collect facts , and facts , and empires of facts . But which of them will rekindle the light within ? " To all this Margaret listened , sitting on the haughty nephew 'sknee . It was a unique education for the little girls . The haughty nephew would be at Wickham Place one day , bringing with him an even haughtier wife , both convinced that Germany was appointed by God to govern the world . Aunt Juley would come the next day , convinced that Great Britain had been appointed to the same post by the same authority . Were both these loud-voiced parties right ? On one occasion they had met , and Margaret with clasped hands had implored them to argue the subject out in her presence . Whereat they blushed , and began to talk about the weather . " Papa " she cried — she was a most offensive child — " why will they not discuss this most clear question ? " Her father , surveying the parties grimly , replied that he did not know . Putting her head on one side , Margaret then remarked , " To me one of two things is very clear ; either God does not know his own mind about England and Germany , or else these do not know the mind of God . " A hateful little girl , but at thirteen she had grasped a dilemma that most people travel through life without perceiving . Her brain darted up and down ; it grew pliant and strong . Her conclusion was , that any human being lies nearer to the unseen than any organization , and from this she never varied . Helen advanced along the same lines , though with a more irresponsible tread . In character she resembled her sister , but she was pretty , and so apt to have a more amusing time . People gathered round her more readily , especially when they were new acquaintances , and she did enjoy a little homage very much . When their father died and they ruled alone at Wickham Place , she often absorbed the whole of the company , while Margaret — both were tremendous talkers — fell flat . Neither sister bothered about this . Helen never apologized afterwards , Margaret did not feel the slightest rancour . But looks have their influence upon character . The sisters were alike as little girls , but at the time of the Wilcox episode their methods were beginning to diverge ; the younger was rather apt to entice people , and , in enticing them , to be herself enticed ; the elder went straight ahead , and accepted an occasional failure as part of the game . Little need be premised about Tibby . He was now an intelligent man of sixteen , but dyspeptic and difficile . Chapter 5 It will be generally admitted that Beethoven 'sFifth Symphony is the most sublime noise that has ever penetrated into the ear of man . All sorts and conditions are satisfied by it . Whether you are like Mrs. Munt , and tap surreptitiously when the tunes come — of course , not so as to disturb the others — ; or like Helen , who can see heroes and shipwrecks in the music 'sflood ; or like Margaret , who can only see the music ; or like Tibby , who is profoundly versed in counterpoint , and holds the full score open on his knee ; or like their cousin , Fräulein Mosebach , who remembers all the time that Beethoven is " echt Deutsch " ; or like Fräulein Mosebach 'syoung man , who can remember nothing but Fräulein Mosebach : in any case , the passion of your life becomes more vivid , and you are bound to admit that such a noise is cheap at two shillings . It is cheap , even if you hear it in the Queen 'sHall , dreariest music-room in London , though not as dreary as the Free Trade Hall , Manchester ; and even if you sit on the extreme left of that hall , so that the brass bumps at you before the rest of the orchestra arrives , it is still cheap . " Who is Margaret talking to ? " said Mrs. Munt , at the conclusion of the first movement . She was again in London on a visit to Wickham Place . Helen looked down the long line of their party , and said that she did not know . " Would it be some young man or other whom she takes an interest in ? " " I expect so , " Helen replied . Music enwrapped her , and she could not enter into the distinction that divides young men whom one takes an interest in from young men whom one knows . " You girls are so wonderful in always having — Oh dear ! one must n't talk . " For the Andante had begun — very beautiful , but bearing a family likeness to all the other beautiful Andantes that Beethoven had written , and , to Helen 'smind , rather disconnecting the heroes and shipwrecks of the first movement from the heroes and goblins of the third . She heard the tune through once , and then her attention wandered , and she gazed at the audience , or the organ , or the architecture . Much did she censure the attenuated Cupids who encircle the ceiling of the Queen 'sHall , inclining each to each with vapid gesture , and clad in sallow pantaloons , on which the October sunlight struck . " How awful to marry a man like those Cupids ! " thought Helen . Here Beethoven started decorating his tune , so she heard him through once more , and then she smiled at her cousin Frieda . But Frieda , listening to Classical Music , could not respond . Herr Liesecke , too , looked as if wild horses could not make him inattentive ; there were lines across his forehead , his lips were parted , his pince-nez at right angles to his nose , and he had laid a thick , white hand on either knee . And next to her was Aunt Juley , so British , and wanting to tap . How interesting that row of people was ! What diverse influences had gone to the making ! Here Beethoven , after humming and hawing with great sweetness , said " Heigho , " and the Andante came to an end . Applause , and a round of " wunderschöning " and " prachtvolleying " from the German contingent . Margaret started talking to her new young man ; Helen said to her aunt : " Now comes the wonderful movement : first of all the goblins , and then a trio of elephants dancing ; " and Tibby implored the company generally to look out for the transitional passage on the drum . " On the what , dear ? " " On the drum , Aunt Juley . " " No ; look out for the part where you think you have done with the goblins and they come back , " breathed Helen , as the music started with a goblin walking quietly over the universe , from end to end . Others followed him . They were not aggressive creatures ; it was that that made them so terrible to Helen . They merely observed in passing that there was no such thing as splendour or heroism in the world . After the interlude of elephants dancing , they returned and made the observation for the second time . Helen could not contradict them , for , once at all events , she had felt the same , and had seen the reliable walls of youth collapse . Panic and emptiness ! Panic and emptiness ! The goblins were right . Her brother raised his finger : it was the transitional passage on the drum . For , as if things were going too far , Beethoven took hold of the goblins and made them do what he wanted . He appeared in person . He gave them a little push , and they began to walk in major key instead of in a minor , and then — he blew with his mouth and they were scattered ! Gusts of splendour , gods and demigods contending with vast swords , colour and fragrance broadcast on the field of battle , magnificent victory , magnificent death ! Oh , it all burst before the girl , and she even stretched out her gloved hands as if it was tangible . Any fate was titanic ; any contest desirable ; conqueror and conquered would alike be applauded by the angels of the utmost stars . And the goblins — they had not really been there at all ? They were only the phantoms of cowardice and unbelief ? One healthy human impulse would dispel them ? Men like the Wilcoxes , or President Roosevelt , would say yes . Beethoven knew better . The goblins really had been there . They might return — and they did . It was as if the splendour of life might boil over — and waste to steam and froth . In its dissolution one heard the terrible , ominous note , and a goblin , with increased malignity , walked quietly over the universe from end to end . Panic and emptiness ! Panic and emptiness ! Even the flaming ramparts of the world might fall . Beethoven chose to make all right in the end . He built the ramparts up . He blew with his mouth for the second time , and again the goblins were scattered . He brought back the gusts of splendour , the heroism , the youth , the magnificence of life and of death , and , amid vast roarings of a superhuman joy , he led his Fifth Symphony to its conclusion . But the goblins were there . They could return . He had said so bravely , and that is why one can trust Beethoven when he says other things . Helen pushed her way out during the applause . She desired to be alone . The music summed up to her all that had happened or could happen in her career . She read it as a tangible statement , which could never be superseded . The notes meant this and that to her , and they could have no other meaning , and life could have no other meaning . She pushed right out of the building , and walked slowly down the outside staircase , breathing the autumnal air , and then she strolled home . " Margaret , " called Mrs. Munt , " is Helen all right ? " " Oh yes . " " She is always going away in the middle of a programme , " said Tibby . " The music has evidently moved her deeply , " said Fräulein Mosebach . " Excuse me , " said Margaret 'syoung man , who had for some time been preparing a sentence , " but that lady has , quite inadvertently , taken my umbrella . " " Oh , good gracious me ! — I am so sorry . Tibby , run after Helen . " " I shall miss the Four Serious Songs if I do . " " Tibby love , you must go . " " It is n't of any consequence , " said the young man , in truth a little uneasy about his umbrella . " But of course it is . Tibby ! Tibby ! " Tibby rose to his feet , and wilfully caught his person on the backs of the chairs . By the time he had tipped up the seat and had found his hat , and had deposited his full score in safety , it was " too late " to go after Helen . The Four Serious Songs had begun , and one could not move during their performance . " My sister is so careless , " whispered Margaret . " Not at all , " replied the young man ; but his voice was dead and cold . " If you would give me your address — " " Oh , not at all , not at all ; " and he wrapped his greatcoat over his knees . Then the Four Serious Songs rang shallow in Margaret 'sears . Brahms , for all his grumbling and grizzling , had never guessed what it felt like to be suspected of stealing an umbrella . For this fool of a young man thought that she and Helen and Tibby had been playing the confidence trick on him , and that if he gave his address they would break into his rooms some midnight or other and steal his walkingstick too . Most ladies would have laughed , but Margaret really minded , for it gave her a glimpse into squalor . To trust people is a luxury in which only the wealthy can indulge ; the poor cannot afford it . As soon as Brahms had grunted himself out , she gave him her card and said , " That is where we live ; if you preferred , you could call for the umbrella after the concert , but I did n't like to trouble you when it has all been our fault . " His face brightened a little when he saw that Wickham Place was W . It was sad to see him corroded with suspicion , and yet not daring to be impolite , in case these well-dressed people were honest after all . She took it as a good sign that he said to her , " It 'sa fine programme this afternoon , is it not ? " for this was the remark with which he had originally opened , before the umbrella intervened . " The Beethoven 'sfine , " said Margaret , who was not a female of the encouraging type . " I do n't like the Brahms , though , nor the Mendelssohn that came first — and ugh ! I do n't like this Elgar that 'scoming . " " What , what ? " called Herr Liesecke , overhearing . " The Pomp and Circumstance will not be fine ? " " Oh , Margaret , you tiresome girl ! " cried her aunt . " Here have I been persuading Herr Liesecke to stop for Pomp and Circumstance , and you are undoing all my work . I am so anxious for him to hear what we are doing in music . Oh , you must n't run down our English composers , Margaret . " " For my part , I have heard the composition at Stettin , " said Fräulein Mosebach . " On two occasions . It is dramatic , a little . " " Frieda , you despise English music . You know you do . And English art . And English Literature , except Shakespeare and he 'sa German . Very well , Frieda , you may go . " The lovers laughed and glanced at each other . Moved by a common impulse , they rose to their feet and fled from Pomp and Circumstance . " We have this call to play in Finsbury Circus , it is true , " said Herr Liesecke , as he edged past her and reached the gangway just as the music started . " Margaret — " loudly whispered by Aunt Juley . " Margaret , Margaret ! Fräulein Mosebach has left her beautiful little bag behind her on the seat . " Sure enough , there was Frieda 'sreticule , containing her address book , her pocket dictionary , her map of London , and her money . " Oh , what a bother — what a family we are ! Fr-Frieda ! " " Hush ! " said all those who thought the music fine . " But it 'sthe number they want in Finsbury Circus — " " Might I — could n't I — " said the suspicious young man , and got very red . " Oh , I would be so grateful . " He took the bag — money clinking inside it — and slipped up the gangway with it . He was just in time to catch them at the swing-door , and he received a pretty smile from the German girl and a fine bow from her cavalier . He returned to his seat up-sides with the world . The trust that they had reposed in him was trivial , but he felt that it cancelled his mistrust for them , and that probably he would not be " had " over his umbrella . This young man had been " had " in the past — badly , perhaps overwhelmingly — and now most of his energies went in defending himself against the unknown . But this afternoon — perhaps on account of music — he perceived that one must slack off occasionally , or what is the good of being alive ? Wickham Place , W . , though a risk , was as safe as most things , and he would risk it . So when the concert was over and Margaret said , " We live quite near ; I am going there now . Could you walk around with me , and we 'llfind your umbrella ? " he said , " Thank you , " peaceably , and followed her out of the Queen 'sHall . She wished that he was not so anxious to hand a lady downstairs , or to carry a lady 'sprogramme for her — his class was near enough her own for its manners to vex her . But she found him interesting on the whole — every one interested the Schlegels on the whole at that time — and while her lips talked culture , her heart was planning to invite him to tea . " How tired one gets after music ! " she began . " Do you find the atmosphere of Queen 'sHall oppressive ? " " Yes , horribly . " " But surely the atmosphere of Covent Garden is even more oppressive . " " Do you go there much ? " " When my work permits , I attend the gallery for , the Royal Opera . " Helen would have exclaimed , " So do I . I love the gallery , " and thus have endeared herself to the young man . Helen could do these things . But Margaret had an almost morbid horror of " drawing people out , " of " making things go . " She had been to the gallery at Covent Garden , but she did not " attend " it , preferring the more expensive seats ; still less did she love it . So she made no reply . " This year I have been three times — to Faust , Tosca , and — " Was it " Tannhouser " or " Tannhoyser " ? Better not risk the word . Margaret disliked Tosca and Faust . And so , for one reason and another , they walked on in silence , chaperoned by the voice of Mrs. Munt , who was getting into difficulties with her nephew . " I do in a way remember the passage , Tibby , but when every instrument is so beautiful , it is difficult to pick out one thing rather than another . I am sure that you and Helen take me to the very nicest concerts . Not a dull note from beginning to end . I only wish that our German friends would have stayed till it finished . " " But surely you have n't forgotten the drum steadily beating on the low C , Aunt Juley ? " came Tibby 'svoice . " No one could . It 'sunmistakable . " " A specially loud part ? " hazarded Mrs. Munt . " Of course I do not go in for being musical , " she added , the shot failing . " I only care for music — a very different thing . But still I will say this for myself — I do know when I like a thing and when I do n't . Some people are the same about pictures . They can go into a picture gallery — Miss Conder can — and say straight off what they feel , all round the wall . I never could do that . But music is so different to pictures , to my mind . When it comes to music I am as safe as houses , and I assure you , Tibby , I am by no means pleased by everything . There was a thing — something about a faun in French — which Helen went into ecstasies over , but I thought it most tinkling and superficial , and said so , and I held to my opinion too . " " Do you agree ? " asked Margaret . " Do you think music is so different to pictures ? " " I — I should have thought so , kind of , " he said . " So should I . Now , my sister declares they 'rejust the same . We have great arguments over it . She says I 'mdense ; I say she 'ssloppy . " Getting under way , she cried : " Now , does n't it seem absurd to you ? What is the good of the Arts if they are interchangeable ? What is the good of the ear if it tells you the same as the eye ? Helen 'sone aim is to translate tunes into the language of painting , and pictures into the language of music . It 'svery ingenious , and she says several pretty things in the process , but what 'sgained , I 'dlike to know ? Oh , it 'sall rubbish , radically false . If Monet 'sreally Debussy , and Debussy 'sreally Monet , neither gentleman is worth his salt — that 'smy opinion . Evidently these sisters quarrelled . " Now , this very symphony that we 'vejust been having — she wo n't let it alone . She labels it with meanings from start to finish ; turns it into literature . I wonder if the day will ever return when music will be treated as music . Yet I do n't know . There 'smy brother — behind us . He treats music as music , and oh , my goodness ! He makes me angrier than anyone , simply furious . With him I dare n't even argue . " An unhappy family , if talented . " But , of course , the real villain is Wagner . He has done more than any man in the nineteenth century towards the muddling of arts . I do feel that music is in a very serious state just now , though extraordinarily interesting . Every now and then in history there do come these terrible geniuses , like Wagner , who stir up all the wells of thought at once . For a moment it 'ssplendid . Such a splash as never was . But afterwards — such a lot of mud ; and the wells — as it were , they communicate with each other too easily now , and not one of them will run quite clear . That 'swhat Wagner 'sdone . " Her speeches fluttered away from the young man like birds . If only he could talk like this , he would have caught the world . Oh to acquire culture ! Oh , to pronounce foreign names correctly ! Oh , to be well informed , discoursing at ease on every subject that a lady started ! But it would take one years . With an hour at lunch and a few shattered hours in the evening , how was it possible to catch up with leisured women , who had been reading steadily from childhood ? His brain might be full of names , he might have even heard of Monet and Debussy ; the trouble was that he could not string them together into a sentence , he could not make them " tell , " he could not quite forget about his stolen umbrella . Yes , the umbrella was the real trouble . Behind Monet and Debussy the umbrella persisted , with the steady beat of a drum . " I suppose my umbrella will be all right , " he was thinking . " I do n't really mind about it . I will think about music instead . I suppose my umbrella will be all right . " Earlier in the afternoon he had worried about seats . Ought he to have paid as much as two shillings ? Earlier still he had wondered , " Shall I try to do without a programme ? " There had always been something to worry him ever since he could remember , always something that distracted him in the pursuit of beauty . For he did pursue beauty , and therefore , Margaret 'sspeeches did flutter away from him like birds . Margaret talked ahead , occasionally saying , " Do n't you think so ? do n't you feel the same ? " And once she stopped , and said " Oh , do interrupt me ! " which terrified him . She did not attract him , though she filled him with awe . Her figure was meagre , her face seemed all teeth and eyes , her references to her sister and brother were uncharitable . For all her cleverness and culture , she was probably one of those soulless , atheistical women who have been so shown up by Miss Corelli . It was surprising ( and alarming ) that she should suddenly say , " I do hope that you 'llcome in and have some tea . " " I do hope that you 'llcome in and have some tea . We should be so glad . I have dragged you so far out of your way . " They had arrived at Wickham Place . The sun had set , and the backwater , in deep shadow , was filling with a gentle haze . To the right of the fantastic skyline of the flats towered black against the hues of evening ; to the left the older houses raised a square-cut , irregular parapet against the grey . Margaret fumbled for her latchkey . Of course she had forgotten it . So , grasping her umbrella by its ferrule , she leant over the area and tapped at the dining-room window . " Helen ! Let us in !